You might think that once the sun drops below the horizon it's time to pack up the camera gear and head for home. This is not right thinking and you will inevitably miss the twilight phenomenon known as the Blue Hour. According to Wikipedia, "The Blue Hour is the period of twilight each morning and evening where there is neither full daylight nor complete darkness. The time is considered special because of the quality of the light." And so it was on this evening, standing on a rocky point near Lake Tahoe, feeling the breeze on my face, and thinking if this were to be my last moment on this earth, it would truly be a happy one--as I was engulfed in an dazzling world of Picasso Blue.
Let Miles and Trane tell you about being Kind of Blue:
This is the last in my Tahoe sunset series. There does come a time when you need to finally pack it up.
Lake Tahoe, Nevada