A little older and probably a whole lot wiser than me, this old barn surely has a few stories to tell. They'd be small stories about mice, barn cats, little Johnny's first horse, births, deaths, and the turning of the seasons. These little tales are the stories that form the fabric of our world. They are all so vital and those that tell them are the keepers of our traditions. To hear them, one only needs to stop and listen.
I love the piecemeal fence in this image. It's consistent with my philosophy of "whatever works, for as long as it works."
Happy Fence Friday Everyone. Have a great weekend.
Nevada County CA
Tags: Canon 70-200mm 2.8L Canon 7D Dog Bar Road Lightroom 4 Nevada County Northern California Ranch Ranchland Sierra Nevada Foothills Topaz SW Barn Old Barn Decay
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Whisper not or your voice will be lost on the wind as it whistles through the open cracks and rattles around the empty and forgotten rooms. Whisper not or you will be muted by the rustling of the dead branches as they rake the weathered fence line. Whisper not or you will be lost on the gentle Autumn breeze.
Yeah right. All this sounded great a couple of days ago when i penned the above and now we're in the middle of a hellacious period of wind and rain. It was so intense last night that it woke me up several times. The dogs were freaked and I had to let them sleep in on the floor of our bedroom. Wow, the power the Mother Nature. Personally, I think she's a little angry at the moment.
Happy Fence Friday everyone and have a fantastic weekend.
Nevada City, CA
Tags: Canon 7D Fence Highway 49 Nevada City Nevada County Northern California Topaz SW
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Kinda sounds like a funeral home or maybe a law firm but it's actually the old general store in the mining town of North Bloomfield formally Humbug, CA. A store for the serious miner or the miner wannabe, you can find everything you need here from that mining pan to a complete sluice box kit but unfortunately you won't find that freeze dried ice cream the astronauts ate. I did see some cables for jumpstarting those dead mules though.
Actually, I find the 2nd picture below more interesting. Check it out.
Malakoff Diggins, Nevada County, CA
Tags: Canon 7D Humbug Lightroom 4 Malakoff Diggins Nevada County North Bloomfield Northern California Sierra Nevada Range Topaz SW
Time passes and nothing stirs but the settling of the old timber in this long forgotten homestead. The nights are full of wind and destruction blowing freely through the open cracks and crevices but it only slightly influences the old cupboards which having found their angle of repose remain perfectly content and at rest. I stand queitly and listen for the children whose voices once filled this now lonely space with promise--but only hear the rattle of the old shingles on the roof and the bare limbs scraping an age old reprise on the side of the weathered walls--all things pass, all things pass....
Get the inside view on black.
Nevada City, CA
Tags: Cement Hill Road Canon 7D Lightroom4 TopazSW Weathered Building Old Shack Homestead Nevada City Northern California Nevada County Abandoned
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I sometimes think that I have a compulsive interest in books, movies, and artworks that portray a degree of suspense in questions around life and death-- I've always been a sucker for a good shoot-em up Spaghetti Western ala Clint Eastwood and I can lose myself big time in a Raymond Chandler murder mystery. I bet you thought I was going somewhere deep with all this didn't you?
My life in the Western U.S. feeds this compulsion quite well. Just consider how each moment, each scene of a Western Landscape contains so many visible life and death scenarios-- and all of them in realtime. Take the above scene as an example--what attracts me to it is the numerous intersecting lines of life, death, decay, and regeneration. Or maybe it's just my recent experiences that are coloring my world and I'm making way too much out of this. Hmmm.....note to myself, start taking more shots of the kids.
Nevada County, CA
Tags: Canon 7D Lightroom 4 Nevada County North San Juan Northern California Ranch Ranchland Topaz SW Weathered Building
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