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User / solem specto
1,030 items

N 1 B 9.9K C 18 E Mar 10, 2015 F Mar 27, 2015
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Lake Constance
in explore #282 2015-03-27

Tags:   Bodensee Lake Constance bw burgenschenker minimalism nix los in explore explored Explore #282 20150327 minimal

N 0 B 7.5K C 12 E Apr 8, 2017 F Apr 10, 2017
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Tags:   boxing fight fightnight solem specto Friedrichshafen VfB Razul in Explore explored

N 8 B 2.5K C 4 E Dec 28, 2015 F Dec 28, 2015
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"Visit Palazzo Ducale" - serial

Nikon FE2
Nikkor 105mm f/2.5 AIs
Kodak BW 400 CN

Tags:   Venezia Venice Venise Venedig FE2 Nikon FE2 Nikkor Kodak BW 400 CN bw solem specto 35mm film analog analogphotography filmphotography ishootfilm street man woman serial 35mmfilm analog20 low-res-scan

N 1 B 7.1K C 10 E Sep 7, 2017 F Sep 20, 2017
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Treporti - Laguna di Venezia
in Explore 2017.09.20 #298

Tags:   solem specto street woman smoking Treporti Italia bnw bw fresh peaches in Explore explored cigarette fujifilm XT2 Fujifilm XT2

N 1 B 6.9K C 17 E Dec 30, 2015 F Dec 30, 2015
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„Ach“, sagte die Maus, „die Welt wird enger mit jedem Tag. Zuerst war sie so breit, daß ich Angst hatte, ich lief weiter und war glücklich, daß ich endlich rechts und links in der Ferne Mauern sah, aber diese langen Mauern eilen so schnell aufeinander zu, daß ich schon im letzten Zimmer bin, und dort im Winkel steht die Falle, in die ich laufe.“ – „Du mußt nur die Laufrichtung ändern“, sagte die Katze und fraß sie.

"Alas", said the mouse, "the whole world is growing smaller every day. At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad when I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner stands the trap that I am running into."
"You only need to change your direction," said the cat, and ate it up.

"A Little Fable" (German: "Kleine Fabel") is a short story written by Franz Kafka between 1917 and 1923, likely in 1920. The anecdote, only one paragraph in length, was not published in Kafka's lifetime and first appeared in Beim Bau der Chinesischen Mauer (1931). The first English translation by Willa and Edwin Muir was published by Martin Secker in London in 1933. It appeared in The Great Wall of China. Stories and Reflections (New York City: Schocken Books, 1946).


Nikon FE2
Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 AIs

Film Nr. 827175
Bild Nr. 18

Tags:   onfilm Überlingen bw solem specto film filmphotography analog 35mm man FE2 Kodak Nikon FE2 uncropped analogphotography Nikkor graffiti sign wall street ishootfilm Nikkor 28mm f/2.8 AIs expre Zitronengässle Zitronengasse analogue 35mmfilm 35mmfilmphoto filmshooters filmisalive staybrokeshootfilm filmcommunitiy vintagelens believeinfilm thefilmcommunity analoguephotography analogcamera filmphoto filmphotographer grainisgood filmcamera nikonfilmcamera nikon filmisnotdead 20201210 analog20 6-9-12-13-25 21-5-2 solem specto sensus
