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N 8 B 4.2K C 1 E Nov 12, 2017 F Nov 13, 2017
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Fountain in the cloisters of King Joao I at the Mnastery/Mosteiro of Batalha Portugal.

Tags:   Portugal Btatlha Cloisters fountain sunlight water King Joao I arch stone stonework

N 6 B 11.6K C 0 E Nov 12, 2017 F Nov 13, 2017
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Mosteiro de Batalha, cloisters of King Joao I with water fountain.

Tags:   Portugal Batalha Mosteiro Cloisters fountain sunshine arches arcos King Joao I corridor decorated stone. vaults vaullting

N 10 B 4.1K C 5 E Nov 5, 2017 F Nov 9, 2017
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We can only gaze in awe and try to imagine the ceiling vaulting had it ever been finished. A few have tried to imagine it but in my humble opinion failed.

The architect responsible was Huguet who died during it's construction. What had Huguet in mind when he designed such massive ccolumns to support the vaulting? Did he perhaps draw inspiration from another Panteon in classical architecture? A mystery indeed as no drawings ever came to light unless they remain unrecognised in the Torre de Tombo in Lisbon?

Tags:   Portugal Batalha vaulting stonework. octagon Pantheon chapels architecture blue ceiling unfinished manuelline

N 8 B 3.8K C 2 E Nov 6, 2017 F Nov 9, 2017
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The Unfinished Chapels of the Mosteiro de Batalha, Sta Maria de Vitoria.

The Pantheon of King Duarte, more usually known as the Unfinished Chapels,

The architect responsible was Huguet who died during it's construction. Little is known of his provenence.

It was only in the 1940s that the Pantheon of King Duarte came to house the twin tomb of the King and his Queen Leonor who lie together holding handss in perpetuity.

Tags:   Portugal. Batalha Chapels unfinished architecture stonework blue yellow Pantheon

N 10 B 3.6K C 1 E Nov 6, 2017 F Nov 8, 2017
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Fountain at Cloister of King João 1 in the Monastery of Batalha.

Tags:   Portugal. Batalha Monastery fonte fountain.
