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User / alexandria42 / Sets / Genealogy documents
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Please look at the second entry:

Bridegroom: Siegfried vulgo Friederich BENEDIKT born in Lichtenstadt, Bohmen .
Engineer on the Pilsen to Brunn railway?
Age 37 single dob 31 March 1839
Father: Herschmann BENEDIKT {Privatier}
Mother: Wilhelmine née WOLLFNER

Bride:Rosa HERZ aus Eidlitz aged 20 dob 20 April 1856
Father:Josef HERZ {Privatier}
Mother: Johanna née LOBL?

Witesses:Jakob BENEDIKT and P Mayer?
Prediger: Jellinek

Location: Stadttempel Sietenstettengasse, Vienna
Date 14 Sept 1876

From the Prague Conscription database:

3. Friederich born 1842 - married to Rosa nee HERZ born 1836 from Eidlitz married
14.9.1876 - works with the railways.

4. Jakob born 1839 married to Ida WOLFNER born 1839 from Kuttenplan married 1870 in Kuttenplan.

It is most likely that Friedrich and Jakob are brothers

We have another entry in he Prague databases:

BENEDIKT Franziska (*1791) - I think this is the mother of Friederich and a sister, whose name I cannot read. A Friedrich is listed with her - born 1835. I believe it says "born in Lichtenstadt"

Tags:   Genealogy Jewish Juif Judisch marriage certificate marriage register Vienna Wien Bohemia Lichtenstadt Carlsbad jüdisch czechrepublic IKG Vienna IKG Wien WOLFNER WOLLFNER BENEDIKT Eidlitz Kuttenplan Kutenplan

N 0 B 882 C 0 E Aug 14, 2007 F Aug 14, 2007
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Please note that her nephew, Emil Duschnitz was her lawyer.

Emma died in the Sanatorium Fürth, Schmidtgasse, Vienna VIII, which is the same place that I [her great-granddaughter] was born nearly 20 years later.

Tags:   document friedhof sanatoriumfürth biach kerner kohn Sanatorium Furth Vienna Wien Will Duschnitz Simmering zentralfriedhof grave genealogy jüdisch jewish Tor I Bezirksgericht Josefstadt tombstone

N 0 B 749 C 0 E Aug 14, 2007 F Aug 14, 2007
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Here we see that because of the enormous cost, this was not done till 1920 - remember that Emma died before the end of WW1 in 1918.

The KOHN-KERNER grave in group 76B Zentralfriedhof Tor 1 is one of only three that did not originate in this huge cemetery.

Tags:   czechrepublic jewish jüdisch wien vienna will simmering währingerfriedhof wahringerfriedhof velkabukovina tor1 zentralfriedhof duschnitz grossbock bohemia cemetery bezirksgerichtjosefstadt biach document grave genealogy tombstone

N 0 B 789 C 0 E Aug 14, 2007 F Aug 14, 2007
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Here we see that Emma asks for Albert's grave to be brought to the Zentralfriedhof from Währingerfriedhof - otherwise she could not be buried with him

Tags:   grossbock duschnitz grave genealogy friedhof jüdisch jewish tor1 will wien vienna velkabukovina wahringerfriedhof währingerfriedhof zentralfriedhof document czechrepublic cemetery bezirksgerichtjosefstadt biach tombstone

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First entry in the register.

Gustav Wottitz, my great-grandfather, [born Pressburg 1 May 1841] is the second witness - he was the brother of Ernestine. I presume their father, Leopold WOTTITZ, had already died, or was too ill to attend the wedding, othewise, he would have been the witness of choice.

Tags:   marriage certificate Vienna Wien Pressburg Nikolsburg mähren moravia mahren jüdisch juif jewish judisch genealogy Czech Republic Bratislava Wottitz Fischer
