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User / alexandria42 / Sets / English Girls' College Swimming Pool
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N 1 B 2.4K C 0 E Apr 26, 2008 F Apr 26, 2008
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A magnificent pool

Tags:   English Girls' College EGC Alexandria Egypt Grey Wornum architecture school

N 6 B 7.8K C 0 E Nov 28, 2009 F Nov 28, 2009
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You can just see the diving board

From Jackie Klat's album - with many thanks to our early EGC photographer.

Tags:   English Girls College EGC Alexandria Egypt Diving board

N 0 B 1.5K C 0 E Apr 26, 2008 F Apr 26, 2008
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Tags:   English Girls' College EGC Alexandria Egypt Grey Wornum architecture school

N 1 B 4.8K C 4 E Oct 23, 2007 F Oct 23, 2007
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Here are the first pictures of my EGC swimming pool collection -
more will follow

This pool was built with money collected in memory of Rosemary Heathcote-Smith, the daughter of the British Consul General in Alexandria Sir Clifford Heathcote-Smith , who had commissioned the EGC architect, Grey Wornum, in 1935 to design the building. The pool was planned at the beginning, but the cash ran out.

Rosemary died very suddenly whilst her parents were out of a severe streptococcal sore throat. Nothing could be done to save her.

There is a plaque in the centre of the shallow end of the pool which commemorates Rosemary.

The fountain, seen here, was a favourite place for girls to sit, but it looks as if it had not started spouting water yet in Aug 1939. In fact the pool looks empty and was probably just completed.

Tags:   Alexandria Egypt EGC English Girls' College swimming pool Heathcote-Smith

N 9 B 9.3K C 0 E Nov 28, 2009 F Nov 28, 2009
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This was a favourite place to pose for photgraphs right up to the mid-1950s.

From Jackie Klat's album - with many thanks to our early EGC photographer.

Tags:   English Girls College EGC Alexandria Egypt Nora Pinto Dorothy Watts
