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User / Canadapt / Winter's Beauty
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It is too cold to walk in the woods today so I will be lazy and repost this photo taken three years ago given that it is essentially identical to what I would find if I were braver and went outside. At this time of year we often have very cold but bright and sunny days and there is as much snow hanging now on the branches as I have ever seen. Forgive my laziness please - I'll give you a more contemporary view when it gets above -25C. It also provides me with an excuse to post one of my great uncle's poems again ... I am probably his biggest fan :) Uncle Will, as my father called him, was a minor Welsh poet relatively well known in the U.K. who had a resurgence in popularity in the 1960's with the 'Hippie' movement. His poem entitled "Leisure" is his most famous and he has gained some notoriety as a 'nature poet' although I'm not sure if he were alive today that he would agree with the title?


Is it not fine to walk in spring,
When leaves are born, and hear birds sing?
And when they lose their singing powers,
In summer, watch the bees at flowers?
Is it not fine, when summer's past,
To have the leaves, no longer fast,
Biting my heel where'er I go,
Or dancing lightly on my toe?
Now winter's here and rivers freeze;
As I walk out I see the trees,
Wherein the pretty squirrels sleep,
All standing in the snow so deep:
And every twig, however small,
Is blossomed white and beautiful.
Then welcome, winter, with thy power
To make this tree a big white flower;
To make this tree a lovely sight,
With fifty brown arms draped in white,
While thousands of small fingers show
In soft white gloves of purest snow.

W.H. Davies
  • Views: 9719
  • Comments: 126
  • Favorites: 49
  • Taken: Jan 1, 2008
  • Uploaded: Jan 9, 2012
  • Updated: Dec 26, 2020