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User / Ryan Brenizer / Sets
Ryan Brenizer / 127 items

2023 weddings
1 photo

1 photo
I'm back(iish)!

Osama-is-Dead Ground Zero Party
17 photos

Rita and Mike
1 photo

Kathryn and Dan
1 photo

Marika and Liam
1 photo

Anya and Josh
3 photos

Reina and Dan
3 photos

Autumn and Tim
2 photos

Csilla and Kent
3 photos

freada and mike
3 photos

Stephanie and Kenny
3 photos

Nadia and Michael
2 photos

Sharon and David
2 photos

Panasonic LX3
2 photos

Emily and Jeffrey
2 photos

Stefanie and Jerry
2 photos

Sally and David
2 photos

Jon and Jeremy
4 photos

Al Smith Dinner
7 photos

Sofia and Jaime
1 photo

Shante and Akili
2 photos

2 photos

Nikki and David
1 photo
9/27/08 homepage.mac.com/ryanbrenizer/nikki_david/

Ireland trip
5 photos

Jason and Julie
4 photos

Laura and Keith
3 photos

Justina and Adam
2 photos
8.2.08 Wedding's slideshow here

Korie and Jesse
3 photos
7.26.08 homepage.mac.com/ryanbrenizer/korie_jesse/

Rachel and Dave
1 photo

Dana and Anukul
1 photo

Yelena and Mohammed
3 photos

Jamie and Patrick
4 photos

Nick and Katrina
1 photo

Eve and Dan
9 photos

Eva and Cris
4 photos

Erica and Nathan
3 photos

Brooke and Jessvin
3 photos

Christina and Sebastian
6 photos

Caroline and Lee
2 photos

Chelsea and Garrett
5 photos

Kirsten and Evan
3 photos

Dana and Wes
4 photos

Jen and Chris
2 photos

Michelle and TJ
8 photos

Timoria and Bob
9 photos, 1 video

jennifer and scott -- 5/3/08
3 photos
A gorgeous wedding at the Upper East Side's Burden Mansion

Manda and Luke -- 4/5/08
6 photos

Missy and Charlie
16 photos

2/17/08 On the town
1 photo

Greene wedding
3 photos

Heather & Noam
7 photos

New D3
7 photos

Ahmadinejad protests at Columbia University
8 photos
9/24/07 www.worldleaders.columbia.edu/index.html

Bridal Portraiture
9 photos

moving in
1 photo

2007 Weddings
49 photos

8 photos

Top 50 most-viewed (updated 10/19/08)
40 photos
Not hard to see what tends to get the eyeballs.

50+ comments (Updated 3/21/08)
44 photos
When y'all just love to talk… sorted by most comments

Models and Lockers
3 photos
I have no idea how this became a trend.

Bubble Bath NYC
6 photos
Because New Yorkers need to blow off a little steam.

14 photos
When no one else is available…

Mercedes and Mimo
5 photos

9 photos
Model and Fashion Designer

11 photos
Model and Flickrite -- a.k.a. Baby Dove.

8 photos
New to NYC.

Julie Smith
9 photos
Up-and-coming NYC musician.

misc. portraits
35 photos
Portraits from shorter sessions.

50 most-faved (Updated 7/22/10)
50 photos
My top 50 most-favorited photos on Flickr. This will be biased toward photos I've taken recently since my contacts list is ever-growing. As such, I will update it periodically. I decided to increase...

2006 Weddings
49 photos
Weddings. From 2006.

224 photos
Photos from around my job.

Of Me
55 photos
Me, filtered via smartset

Photos for classes
28 photos
I try to take at least one master class n photography a year to stay sharp. Here are some photos from 'em.

On Vacation
21 photos
Getting away from it all.

Post-Katrina New Orleans
18 photos

Cold Spring Harbor
79 photos
From July 5 to the 10th or 11th, I will be Artist-in-Residence at one of the finest biological research labs in the world. Watch this space for photos of the goorgeous campus and portaits of top...

Blink of an Eye Reception
10 photos
Yesterday, Flickr folk from all over the U.S. (but mostly New York) descended on the Midtown loft for a reception to mark the Blink of an Eye contest. Or, more accurately, a contest marked the Blink...

10-year reunion
31 photos
Yes, I'm getting old.

Columbia Commencement 2006
11 photos

NYC Pillow Fight
1 photo
Oh, the hijinx.

Zach and Vanessa
13 photos
When two outdoorsy, athletic medical students marry, you know things will be interesting. In this case, Zach rowed Vanessa out to an island where the ceremony was held.

Early D200 pictures
32 photos
Pictures taken when the D200 is still new and shiny

Danny and Violina
15 photos
This couple had a beautiful, classic ceremony honoring Russian and Jewish heritages in the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. Seconding the excellent Sara Heinrichs.

Stars on Ice
44 photos
Blame my Lake Placid upbrining. Most of these taken from VERY far away.

Thanksgiving 05
12 photos
The Kellys and the Latinvilles got together to eat turkey and rock out.

Wedding: Classic
13 photos
Showing versatility in my wedding coverage. This wedding shot with the indomitable Sara Heinrichs.

Wedding: Off-the-wall
11 photos
Two Comedians. A ceremony in the famous punk rock club CBGB's. Unothrodox enough that the New York Post covered the wedding. Perfect.

Wedding: Fun
12 photos

Best artistic
22 photos
Some of my not-easily-categorized photos that I like the best.

Amanda and Chris
46 photos

Jen and Lord at CBGB's
23 photos
I suppose it would take two comedians to have a ceremony at punk rock club CBGB's, and I loved the idea.

Best event/photojournalism
19 photos
Some of my PJ-ish work that I like the best.

Best portraits
18 photos
Some of the portraits I've taken that I like the best.

Flickr meet-ups
20 photos
When photographers attack.

Books for Kids
9 photos
I was hired to photograph a charity event for children's literacy that featured the likes of actor John Lithgow, director Spike Lee, and sex therapist (!) Dr. Ruth.

60 photos
Photos that either scream New York to me, or don't fit in any of my other New York categories.

San Antonio
13 photos
Work sent me to do a photoshoot in San Antonio. The results of the shoot are embargoed for a LONG time (sadly, because I'm really happy with how they turned out) but here are my snapshots along the...

My faves
91 photos
Here are a few I like better than the rest. Feel free to disagree with my choices.

166 photos
Photos from around my life

Smokey Robinson @ CSHL
10 photos
People who have been hanging around this photostream for a while will rememeber that in the summer I had a dream gig at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, to photograph the place for a week and hang...

Friends, with EXIF
1 photo
Uploading old digital photos. Almost all of these will be friends-and-family only.

Fubuki visits NYC
14 photos
Fubuki, my bet as the first to hit one trillion views with a nipple-free photostream, was in Gotham this weekend, which we saw as a great reason/excuse to have a Flickr meetup.

Kevin-Samantha Wedding
11 photos
I was invited to a Chinese wedding on Oct. 24th. It was a wonderful, extravagant affair, complete with a 10-course meal that ran well into the night.

PhotoPlus Expo 2005
25 photos
Oh, the coveting…

Karate: John Teramoto visit
5 photos

My week with the 85 f/1.4
18 photos
Feelin' the magic.

One-word narratives
8 photos

NYC Photobloggers 5
5 photos
Lights. Cameras. Apple Store.

Jenny's Vaudeville Show @ Pete's Candy Store
15 photos
A hilarious collection of comedians in TrendyTown. Organized by Jennifer Dzuira.

Brendan's 25th birthday
15 photos
Rocking the LES like a hurricane.

Amanda and Chris
46 photos
Amanda and Chris got married in a beautiful church in Plattsburgh, NY, a town with a lot of history to me.

9 photos
Virtual insanity, or…?

Brenizer family reunion
33 photos
Braving 100-degree heat to spend time with a great family. I didn't bring my SLR, but everyone shoved their point-and-shoots into my hands.

Flickrites in the Park: June 2005
13 photos
My first meet-up. Good times and good wines were had by all. Striatic brought schwag, I brought an open mind, and everyone brought cameras.

Life at 50 millimeters
18 photos
I'm probably going to end up taking a crapload of pictures with my new 50 mm f/1.8 Nikkor lens, but I'm serserving this space for ones that I think radiate 50 mm-ness.

1 Train
33 photos
As a continuing assignment, I've vowed to walk the 1 line, backbone of the city, photographing all the way. All at once? Try between now and 2008. I *said* continuing.

Karate Special training
12 photos
I didn't go there to take photos, and part of me wishes I did. There were so many beautiful moments in the practices. But I was there to get my ass kicked, and I did.

2 photos
She was a 19-year-old law student. Now she needs headshots so she can conquer Japan.

Morningside Heights/Harlem
37 photos
Around my area, but not in the park or the 1 line

Morningside Park
33 photos
Had enough Gates? Photos from in and around one of New York's less famous parks.

Columbia Graduation 2005
28 photos
Columbia Graduation, May 18, 2005. Focus on TC, of course.

Trip to Florida
38 photos
Call it a mini-vacation, call it an attempt to mooch off my step-brother, whatever. It's warm.

Veronica Mars cast @ Macy's
20 photos
Fine. I'm a fanboy. Laugh away.

Equipment tests
17 photos

NY-70 filming
7 photos
Walking along Lenox in Harlem, I saw what I thought was a small movie shoot. Several googlings later, I realized it was the pilot of NY-70, one of the forthcoming shows filming in NYC thanks to new...

47 photos
Stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. Generally non-photos.