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User / ceca67 / Sets / More than 50 Favs
Svetlana Peric / 211 items

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Säntis 2504m, Switzerland

Tags:   people nature mountain Alps clouds earth bird fog high peaks Switzerland Suisse Schweiz Säntis summer ceca Schwägalp MagicUnicornVeryBest tistheseason flickrvault Legacy MagicUnicornMasterpiece Unforgettable Picture TheUnforgettablePictures platinumphoto GoldStarAward RubyPhotographer mywinners

N 92 B 7.7K C 390 E Jan 16, 2009 F Jan 16, 2009
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Od mog prividjenja ti si cela tkana,
tvoj plast suncani od mog sna ispreden...
Ti bese misao moja ocarana,
simbol svih tastina, porazan i leden.

(Ljubavna Pesma, Jovan Ducic)

You are the image of my apparition
your sunny decor knitted through my dreams
You were fascination of my thought
Symbol of all conceits
defeated and icy-cold.

Tags:   MagicDonkeysBest Nature ABigFave BEJ*. The Perfect Photographer TheUnforgettablePictures TUP2 sa textom MDTBMasterpiece Poezija i druge stvari musicsbest COTH MagicUnicornVeryBest flickrvaultexcellence flickrvault daarklands trolled&proud

N 82 B 3.9K C 212 E May 8, 2009 F May 8, 2009
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Tags:   Spring nature clouds colours Cloudscapes Inspire withSKY rosepetal platinumphoto GoldStarAward SOE BlueRibbonWinner AnAwesomeShot COTH COLORS IN OUR WORLD concordians the4elements PanoramaFotográfico Fine ART photos SuperShot RubyPhotographer Saariy'sQualityPictures mywinners

N 123 B 3.8K C 274 E Jan 25, 2008 F Feb 2, 2009
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Tags:   Tree shadow nature afternoon sun winter Switzerland Aargau Ruetihof musicsbest amazingamateur ImpressedBeauty Vision Group light TheUnforgettablePictures coth5 masterofthelight mywinners

N 63 B 6.5K C 224 E Jan 16, 2008 F Jan 21, 2009
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What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you

/Richard Wilbur/

Texture by Logotip

Tags:   Nature SuperShot Memories' Book CITRIT GoldStarAward Tree selectbestfavorites AwardTree daarklands MagicUnicornVeryBest flickrvault ImagePoetry OracOPE daarklandsexcellence miasbest selectbestexcellence SBF:MASTERPIECE MagicUnicornMasterpiece
