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User / ceca67 / Sets / 200 favs and more....
Svetlana Peric / 38 items

N 585 B 41.8K C 739 E Aug 29, 2009 F Aug 30, 2009
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Model : Mina

Tags:   Mina girl joy people art portrait Zlatibor tistheseason Artistic Treasure Chest ABigFave MagicUnicornVeryBest b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l GoldStarAward CITRIT artofimages bestportraitsaoi The Unforgettable Picture RubyPhotographer TheUnforgettablePictures ChercherlaFemme. platinumphoto SOE updatecollection Innamoramento elitegalleryaoi OracOSM Top Seven All X-Press Us

N 594 B 29.5K C 1.3K E Apr 27, 2010 F Apr 27, 2010
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Tags:   green path tree cloud sky spring Switzerland ImagePoetry GoldStarAward SuperShot platinumphoto MagicUnicornVeryBest FinestImages UpdateCollection The World we Live in! Saariy'sQualityPictures MagicUnicornMasterpiece DragonDoggerAward SpecialTouch mywinners eot_excellence

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Switzerland/ Suisse/Schweiz

Tags:   top gipfel säntis mountain Alps Switzerland sommer summer wandern nature hut path sky Flickr Classique TWOP TheUnforgettablePictures GününEnİyisi TheBestOfDay ABigFave RubyPhotographer COTH SOE platinumphoto The Perfect Photographer CITRIT flickrdiamond tistheseason trolled&proud AbsolutelyStunningScapes ImpressedBeauty TUP2 MultiMegaShot COTH5 bestofmywinners platinumpeaceaward “Worldwide Travelogue” ColorPhotoAward GoldCollection. GoldenDiamondBlog blinksuperstars

N 371 B 11.1K C 1.0K E Feb 10, 2011 F Feb 10, 2011
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An illusion, light, shadow, story....The greatest good is little enough: for all life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams.

Tags:   nature morning glow light landscape switzerland trees winter ceca svetlana nikon d90 2011 aargau path road daarklands AbsolutelyStunningScapes OracOPE selectbestexcellence SBF:MASTERPIECE ImpressedBeauty ImagePoetry Fleurs et Paysages L'élite des paysages Nature Poetry Absolute Golden Masterpiece

N 384 B 34.3K C 199 E Jun 5, 2010 F Apr 10, 2011
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Tags:   landscape nature lake light mountain rays fields houses trees swiss switzerland ceca nikon dreamy photo image art fineart artistic blue alps mount
