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One photo a day for October 2022 (with one boring spider photo left out to keep it at a 6-by-5 grid). I had creature photos outside daily from June 25 to October 15, 113 days. But all of these are nature shots, though two were taken indoors. The first four were taken in Tennessee, the rest of the month (and rest of the year) in Indiana.
1. burst of color, 2. mockingbird, 3. Armadillo!, 4. mockingbird on tree branch, 5. the wedding party, 6. evening feeding time, 7. a morning snooze, 8. barred owl in tree, 9. male garden spider, 10. mole bites snake, 11. pileated woodpecker at creek, 12. fiery skipper on leaf, 13. common buckeye on frost asters (Explored), 14. meadowhawk, 15. autumn goldfinch, 16. fall scene, 17. fragile beauty, 18. bees cuddling on New England aster, 19. leaf beauty, 20. peeling the black walnut 4, 21. bed and breakfast, 22. painted lady on asters, 23. great blue heron in leaf-strewn creek, 24. robin and berries, 25. balance beam, 26. cedar waxwing fanning tail, 27. cardinal in red berries, 28. cedar waxwing, 29. fallen leaves and tree trunk, 30. Halloween moon and clouds
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Going from memory on the ID; will verify.
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This is 20 separate photos (fast-action mode, each row left to right), though the same motions are repeated several times. The nestling seems to be practicing his flight skills, which in this case meant hovering above his siblings for a while and then lowering himself into the nest between them.
It's interesting to note how the legs are lower on the downstroke than on the upstroke (particularly noticeable on the second row, where I did a better job keeping the nest at the same height in my crops).
Some of the individual photos are in my stream, but not all of them, because of the similarity in poses for several. Photos taken August 6. I believe this chick fledged two days later, and I was able to observe it.
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