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User / Cheryl Dunlop Molin / Sets / Creatures Making Eye Contact with Me
Cheryl Molin / 27 items

N 16 B 620 C 11 E Jun 14, 2021 F Jun 14, 2021
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CC: One object, three ways

Would you want to be a rabbit looking up at that face?

At least three red-tailed hawks were in this tree, and I looked over because the noise one or more was making was quite impressive. Since they were right above a path in a public park, they were quite used to humans, and I felt comfortable taking a few photos from underneath the tree, knowing I wouldn't cause them to fly off. This did feel "close" to both the hawk and me, however.

(I wasn't right under the tree when I first heard them, and in fact wasn't close enough to bother them. I would have eventually passed under the tree either way, but the noise took me to it sooner.)

I got photos of two juveniles in this tree or one very close to it almost exactly a year ago, June 16. They were marked just like this bird, except a bit paler. I got an adult in the area a week ago, and was pretty sure it was hunting for young as I knew this was nesting territory last year. So it wasn't a particular surprise to see them today, though it was a treat.

For the third shot in one object, three ways, I took a horizontal shot looking straight at my subject.

Tags:   hawk redtail red-tailed hawk eye contact raptor bird

N 5 B 146 C 2 E Nov 6, 2020 F Nov 6, 2020
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As I walked the final yards toward home, a blue jay screeched from this tree. alerting me to the presence of this hawk. While I was looking at the hawk, a pileated woodpecker flew into the same tree (though it didn't stay long and I wasn't able to get a good photo of it). A decent day for bird sightings thus turns into a good day yards outside my own door.

Tags:   366: The 2020 Edition 366:2020 Day 311/366 06-Nov-2020 hawk raptor bird red-shouldered hawk

N 1 B 181 C 8 E Oct 13, 2020 F Oct 14, 2020
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CC: 2020 photo trends: bird's eye view (pretty much literally, since it's the kind of thing birds are looking for!) and tighter crop

Dragonfly season continued! It had been several days since I had seen damselflies, though my next to last sighting had been seeing several just at this spot on this lake, so I was looking just in case, and saw at least three of them. I hadn't really intended to crop this one so tightly, but monochrome shots can work better if you get close and get detail; otherwise you risk losing the insect to camouflage. And to me, this one makes such close eye contact with the insect that there's a sense of tension. Am I a predator? Will it flee?

Tags:   366: The 2020 Edition 366:2020 Day 287/366 13-Oct-2020 damselfly insect insect close-up macro

N 3 B 151 C 4 E Jan 27, 2020 F Jan 27, 2020
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The local deer are far too unafraid for their good or ours. But this one was on the other side of the fence, and I was on the trail, and as she watched me intently, I found myself talking to her and explaining she was so beautiful that I wanted her photo. This shot was not as clear as I hoped, and the fence shows in it. But it shows a brief encounter on a cold but pretty morning.

N 3 B 74 C 2 E Jun 5, 2021 F Jun 5, 2021
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I suspect she had a fawn or two somewhere, and I'd hoped if I went early enough I might see deer wandering with fawns in tow. But the fog rolled in while I watched, and that was enough beauty for the day. And then out of the fog stepped this lovely girl.
