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User / Cheryl Dunlop Molin / Sets / monochrome stripes album
Cheryl Molin / 131 items

N 223 B 46.4K C 18 E Feb 9, 2020 F Feb 10, 2020
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Week 7 Theme: Adoration: It is appropriate to thank and adore the One who has given us such beauty abundantly. The created world is often referred to as the "second book of God" (with the Bible as the first book).

I love pink and purple sunsets--I rarely see sunrises in such bright hues--and I grabbed my camera the moment I saw this color, and took the shot standing near my front door. Southern Indiana, USA.

Thank you for your views, faves, and comments. At the time this was posted it was my only Explore higher than 50 (Explore #35 or so--#34 according to Big Huge Labs, though it was slightly lower in the 30s initially). It looks like it will end its day on Explore with 34,050 views and 221 faves. Eventually more than 45,000 views and 237 faves.

Tags:   sunrise 366: The 2020 Edition 366:2020 Day 40/366 09-Feb-2020

N 8 B 542 C 10 E Aug 7, 2019 F Aug 8, 2019
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CC: my favorite things

I posted a different photo of this bee yesterday, but this one shows more of the flowers. I rejoice in the intricacy of the way God's handiwork works together, with everything from seasons to planets and gravity and the water cycle, flowers and pollinators emerging at the same time (with surplus caterpillars to feed the young birds that are also emerging, and surplus baby rabbits and frogs to feed the predators)--and so much of it not merely functional, but really beautiful, like these pinkish purple flowers and the iridescent green bee.

The reality is that none of these are really my favorite things. My favorite "things" are really abstracts and relationships, relationships with God and family and church family and friends, forgiveness and love and humor and words, and so much more. But I don't post people photos on Flickr, and these tangible beauties are favorites too. Living close to three ponds and a creek, I spend several hours a week exploring and finding such treasures.

N 0 B 50 C 0 E Jul 26, 2020 F Jul 29, 2020
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N 9 B 238 C 15 E May 20, 2020 F May 21, 2020
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Flickr Lounge: anything water
CC: color theory

Complementary colors: purple with a little bit of yellow. Iris flower.

N 8 B 145 C 6 E Nov 4, 2021 F Nov 5, 2021
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Flickr Lounge: photographer's choice

The fact that the New England aster is still in bloom is largely what has taken me out of doors three frosty mornings in a row. These flowers and the frost don't overlap very long, and some years not at all. Last year I saw some overlap, just one single day, and I didn't like the images I got. This year I kept track of the flowers and watched for the frost, and I got the photos.

This one particularly symbolizes the warm months making way for the cool ones. The flowers are nearly finished for the year, but the frost and ice and snow are in the wings ready to take the stage.
