Hello everyone, NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH! And we bring to you the Dagger of Venom - [Chris Two Designs] being launched at the Level Event.
TAXI for the LEVEL EVENT: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEVEL/126/127/6
An amazing trowable and WASD friendly Dagger inspired on the game D&D. With amazing avatar interactions, like rotating both of your daggers on your hands, balancing the right Dagger on the tip of your index finger attacking your friends with melee and ranged with damage + push,
You must always use the Main Dagger. The Off Hand Dagger won't work by itself.
HUD Functions:
-Draw the Dagger from Hilt
--Left Hand | Right Hand | Both Hands or "Shift + 1" using the Draw Both activated Gesture.
-Safekeep on Hilt
--Left Hand | Right Hand | Both Hands or "Shift + 2" using the Safekeep activated Gesture.
--Use the button on HUD or "Shift + 3" using the Balance activated Gesture.
-Dagger Hand Trick (Rotation)
--Left Hand, Right Hand, "Shift + 4" or "Shift + 5" using the Rotate Left/Right activated HUD.
--Alternate function to switch from Melee (short-range attacks) and Range (longe range the flying knife)
-Front Flip + Smash on Floor
--Use button on HUD or "Up + Down arrow + Left Click | or W + S + Left Click"
-Animation Cycle
-- ON | OFF to change the animation mode or SET TIME to type the cycle delay time.
Chris Two Designs - InWorld Second Life: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sunny%20Point/251/97/2506
Chris Two Designs - Second Life Marketplace: marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/127914
Instagram: www.instagram.com/christwodesigns/
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/ChrisTwoDesigns
Tags: Dagger Melee Weapon Magic Trow 3D SecondLife ChrisTwoDesigns Games Animation SubstancePainter
© All Rights Reserved
Hello everyone, NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH! And we bring to you the Dagger of Venom - [Chris Two Designs] being launched at the Level Event.
TAXI for the LEVEL EVENT: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEVEL/126/127/6
An amazing trowable and WASD friendly Dagger inspired on the game D&D. With amazing avatar interactions, like rotating both of your daggers on your hands, balancing the right Dagger on the tip of your index finger attacking your friends with melee and ranged with damage + push,
You must always use the Main Dagger. The Off Hand Dagger won't work by itself.
HUD Functions:
-Draw the Dagger from Hilt
--Left Hand | Right Hand | Both Hands or "Shift + 1" using the Draw Both activated Gesture.
-Safekeep on Hilt
--Left Hand | Right Hand | Both Hands or "Shift + 2" using the Safekeep activated Gesture.
--Use the button on HUD or "Shift + 3" using the Balance activated Gesture.
-Dagger Hand Trick (Rotation)
--Left Hand, Right Hand, "Shift + 4" or "Shift + 5" using the Rotate Left/Right activated HUD.
--Alternate function to switch from Melee (short-range attacks) and Range (longe range the flying knife)
-Front Flip + Smash on Floor
--Use button on HUD or "Up + Down arrow + Left Click | or W + S + Left Click"
-Animation Cycle
-- ON | OFF to change the animation mode or SET TIME to type the cycle delay time.
Chris Two Designs - InWorld Second Life: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife...
Chris Two Designs - Second Life Marketplace: marketplace.secondlife.com/st...
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/1888734...
Instagram: www.instagram.com/christwodes...
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/ChrisTwoDesigns
Tags: Dagger Melee Weapon 3D Blender SecondLife ChrisTwoDesigns Animation Games SubstancePainter Trow
© All Rights Reserved
Weapons can be dangerous but can be sexy AF!! Great picture!! ;)
Check this video tutorial to understand the product: www.flickr.com/photos/188873431@N03/50556688772/in/album-...
You can also find more in our InWorld Store: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sunny%20Point/197/86/1502
Hey we will be moving soon, save this landmark for the future: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chris%20Two%20Designs/101/...
Blogotex Blogger Application OPEN: members.blogotex.com/s/WJK
Tags: Dagger Melee Weapon 3D Blender SecondLife ChrisTwoDesigns Animation Games SubstancePainter Trow
© All Rights Reserved
Today, we are using Debbie Dotterkelch art picture to congratulate all women for their International Women's Day!!!🌹
Thank you to all women for being so F8%$#& AWESOME all the time!!
Check this video tutorial to understand the product: www.flickr.com/photos/188873431@N03/50556688772/in/album-...
You can also find more in our InWorld Store: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sunny%20Point/197/86/1502
Hey we will be moving soon, save this landmark for the future: maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chris%20Two%20Designs/101/...
Blogotex Blogger Application OPEN: members.blogotex.com/s/WJK
Tags: Second Life SecondLife ChrisTwoDesigns SL Interactive Blender 3D dagger stong women internationalwomensday beingwomen strong
© All Rights Reserved