Bright bands of Navajo Sandstone intercept the rising sun and the Colorado River assiduously gleams in the shadows of the canyon, from the vantage of Dead Horse Point State Park, Utah. Prior to this experience, I had visited Moab many times since the age of 16 but had somehow neglected to open the door to the possibility you see here. There was an atmosphere of hushed anticipation amongst the population of photographers gathered for the morning show, and then the light crept into the clouds and naught could be heard but breathing and clicking of shutters. The quality of the light changed so quickly that I was torn between just wanting to relax and soak it all in and wanting to photograph it to the best of my abilities. Tis a common conundrum for me.
Hope everyone is enjoying the summer! My only gripe so far is that the apple varieties I planted this spring for making hard cider appear to have contracted some sort of withering disease and it is unclear whether they will survive. There are some very suspicious looking, fat, emerald, metallic-looking beetles that have been unfortunately ubiquitous this year, and I wonder if they have anything to do with it. Beetles often carry infectious fungi around with them just for kicks. I bought these varieties specifically for their fermentation flavors and it would be a pity if they died before my aspirations could even be tested.
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