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User / Nick Boren Photography / Favorites
Nick Boren / 47,128 items

N 749 B 23.6K C 192 E Nov 16, 2024 F Dec 10, 2024
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En ce belle et chaude journée ensoleillée de novembre j'ai marché pendant plus de huit heures à la recherche d'une Buse à queue rousse qui était régulièrement vue au Jardin botanique de Montréal. J'ai arpenté le jardin ainsi qu le parc adjacent (Parc Maisonneuve) à sa recherche sans succès. J'en étais alors à ma troisième tentative. Je rencontrai la Buse à épaulette qui m'offrit un merveilleux spectacle de chasse. À la toute fin de la journée je me dirigeai vers la cavité du Petit-duc maculé qui brillait de sa présence et commençait à se réveiller pour entreprendre sa longue nuit de chasse. Le soleil se couchait. J'ai capté cette scène tout juste après le coucher du soleil alors que ce Petit duc mâle de couleur brun roussâtre (merci à Sylvain pour les précisions de ses couleurs) baignait dans de belles teintes rosées dont vous pouvez observer les réflexions dans ses yeux en agrandissant cette image.

On this beautiful, warm and sunny November day I walked for more than eight hours looking for a Red-tailed Hawk which was regularly seen at the Montreal Botanical Garden. I wandered the garden as well as the adjacent park (Parc Maisonneuve) looking for the Hawk without success. I was then on my third attempt. I met the Red-shouldered Hawk which offered me a wonderful hunting spectacle. At the very end of the day I headed towards the cavity of the Eastern Screech Owl. The sun was setting. I captured this scene just after sunset while this reddish-brown male Eastern Screech Owl (thanks Sylvain for the details of his colors) was bathing in beautiful pink hues of which you will be able to observe the reflections in his eyes by zooming in this image.

Petit-duc maculé - mâle
Eastern Screech Owl - male
Megascops asio

Merci pour votre passage, vos favoris et commentaires. Je lis chaque commentaire attentivement et ils me font grandement plaisir!

Thank you for your visit, favorite and comment. I read closely each comment . They are sincerely appreciated!

Tags:   Petit-duc maculé Eastern Screech Owl Megascop asio owl hibou strigidés rapace raptors Bird of Prey Bird Photography Oiseau de Proie photographie animalière wildlife photography photographie de nuit night photography sunset coucher du soleil

N 98 B 506 C 71 E Dec 15, 2024 F Dec 17, 2024
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Cardinal rouge - Mâle
Northern Cardinal - Male
Cardinalis cardinalis

Tags:   cardinalis cardinalis red cardinal cardinal rouge northern cardinal holidays red rouge Wildlife and Nature Photography photographie animalière wildlife photography bird photography hope love espoir amour passion

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by Laura Matesky. Please do not use this or any of my images without my permission.

From an afternoon shoot, yesterday.

N 13 B 457 C 12 E Jun 20, 2025 F Dec 4, 2024
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by Laura Matesky. Please do not use this or any of my images without my permission.

N 164 B 6.2K C 46 E Oct 13, 2024 F Dec 4, 2024
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Fishing on the Delaware River.
I took this shot somewhere on the way from New York to Maryland on the first day of our US trip. When we are driving somewhere in the US I always request my son to take the internal (non-toll) roads if possible because they are so much more picturesque than the main highways.We stopped at a charming riverside inn for lunch and that is where I took this shot.

My computer was out for almost a week and I was not able to upload any photos.It is now back in action.:-)

Tags:   Autumn nature Reflections river trees USA

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