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User / courthouselover / Sets / Douglas County, Colorado
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N 1 B 182 C 0 E Jul 17, 2019 F Nov 6, 2019
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Castle Pines, Colorado is located in northern Douglas County, at the southern edge of the Denver urban area directly north of Castle Rock.

Tags:   Colorado CO Post Offices Douglas County Castle Pines Denver Metropolitan Area North America United States US United States of America

N 5 B 3.5K C 1 E Mar 24, 2023 F Aug 11, 2007
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This courthouse was built in 1982. It is officially called the Wilcox Building.

The marker in front of the courthouse reads: "A disastrous fire at the Douglas County Courthouse, set by arsonists in 1978, resulted in the loss of the town’s most significant historic building. As the gathering place for official and unofficial events, the courthouse reflects the pride and success of any community. The new county administration building, erected in 1982, was expanded in 1999 to include a stone bell tower and red brick façade. In 1997, the county courts moved to the Robert A. Christensen Justice Center at the junction of U. S. Highway 85 and Interstate 25. Courthouse Square is greatly enhanced by the new building, and while residents still mourn the loss of their old stone courthouse, many believe the new building to be a respectful replacement."

Tags:   Colorado Courthouses USCC:CO:Douglas Douglas County Castle Rock 1980s 1982 County Courthouses CO Denver Metropolitan Area North America United States US United States of America

N 1 B 150 C 0 E Mar 24, 2023 F Apr 7, 2023
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This courthouse was built in 1982. It is officially called the Wilcox Building.

The marker in front of the courthouse reads: "A disastrous fire at the Douglas County Courthouse, set by arsonists in 1978, resulted in the loss of the town’s most significant historic building. As the gathering place for official and unofficial events, the courthouse reflects the pride and success of any community. The new county administration building, erected in 1982, was expanded in 1999 to include a stone bell tower and red brick façade. In 1997, the county courts moved to the Robert A. Christensen Justice Center at the junction of U. S. Highway 85 and Interstate 25. Courthouse Square is greatly enhanced by the new building, and while residents still mourn the loss of their old stone courthouse, many believe the new building to be a respectful replacement."

Tags:   Colorado CO Rocky Mountains County Courthouses Courthouses USCC:CO:Douglas Douglas County Castle Rock Denver Metropolitan Area North America United States US United States of America

N 1 B 140 C 0 E Mar 24, 2023 F Apr 7, 2023
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This courthouse was built in 1982. It is officially called the Wilcox Building.

The marker in front of the courthouse reads: "A disastrous fire at the Douglas County Courthouse, set by arsonists in 1978, resulted in the loss of the town’s most significant historic building. As the gathering place for official and unofficial events, the courthouse reflects the pride and success of any community. The new county administration building, erected in 1982, was expanded in 1999 to include a stone bell tower and red brick façade. In 1997, the county courts moved to the Robert A. Christensen Justice Center at the junction of U. S. Highway 85 and Interstate 25. Courthouse Square is greatly enhanced by the new building, and while residents still mourn the loss of their old stone courthouse, many believe the new building to be a respectful replacement."

Tags:   Colorado CO Rocky Mountains County Courthouses Courthouses USCC:CO:Douglas Douglas County Castle Rock Denver Metropolitan Area North America United States US United States of America

N 1 B 145 C 0 E Mar 24, 2023 F Apr 7, 2023
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This courthouse was built in 1982. It is officially called the Wilcox Building.

The marker in front of the courthouse reads: "A disastrous fire at the Douglas County Courthouse, set by arsonists in 1978, resulted in the loss of the town’s most significant historic building. As the gathering place for official and unofficial events, the courthouse reflects the pride and success of any community. The new county administration building, erected in 1982, was expanded in 1999 to include a stone bell tower and red brick façade. In 1997, the county courts moved to the Robert A. Christensen Justice Center at the junction of U. S. Highway 85 and Interstate 25. Courthouse Square is greatly enhanced by the new building, and while residents still mourn the loss of their old stone courthouse, many believe the new building to be a respectful replacement."

Tags:   Colorado CO Rocky Mountains County Courthouses Courthouses USCC:CO:Douglas Douglas County Castle Rock Denver Metropolitan Area North America United States US United States of America
