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User / courthouselover / Sets / Finland
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N 1 B 718 C 3 E May 23, 2018 F Aug 21, 2018
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The Parliament House (Eduskuntatalo in Finnish and Riksdagshuset in Swedish) is the seat of the Parliament of Finland. It is located in the Finnish capital Helsinki, in the district of Töölö.

In 1923 a competition was held to choose a site for a new parliament house. Arkadianmäki, a hill beside what is now Mannerheimintie, was chosen as the best site.

The architectural competition which was held in 1924 was won by the firm of Borg–Sirén–Åberg with a proposal called Oratoribus (Latin for "for the speakers"). Johan Sigfrid Sirén (1889–1961), who was mainly responsible for preparing the proposal, was given the task of designing Parliament House. The building was constructed 1926–1931 and was officially inaugurated on March 7, 1931. Ever since then, and especially during the Winter War and Continuation War, it has been the scene of many key moments in the nation's political life.

Information from: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliament_House,_Helsinki

Helsinki is one of my favorite cities in Europe.

Tags:   Finland Suomi Republic of Finland Suomen tasavalta Republiken Finland Europe Europa European Union Evropská unie Europese Unie Union européenne Europäische Union Európai Unió Unione europea Unia Europejska Uniunea Europeană Európska únia Evropska unija Uusimaa Nyland Greater Helsinki Helsingin seutu Suur-Helsinki Helsingforsregionen Storhelsingfors Helsinki Helsingfors Baltic Region National Capitols Etu-Töölö Northern Europe Европейски съюз Europska unija Den Europæiske Union Euroopa Liit Euroopan unioni Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση An tAontas Eorpach Eiropas Savienība Europos Sąjunga Unjoni Ewropea União Europeia Unión Europea Europeiska unionen Nordic Countries FIN

N 0 B 481 C 0 E May 23, 2018 F Aug 21, 2018
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The Parliament House (Eduskuntatalo in Finnish and Riksdagshuset in Swedish) is the seat of the Parliament of Finland. It is located in the Finnish capital Helsinki, in the district of Töölö.

In 1923 a competition was held to choose a site for a new parliament house. Arkadianmäki, a hill beside what is now Mannerheimintie, was chosen as the best site.

The architectural competition which was held in 1924 was won by the firm of Borg–Sirén–Åberg with a proposal called Oratoribus (Latin for "for the speakers"). Johan Sigfrid Sirén (1889–1961), who was mainly responsible for preparing the proposal, was given the task of designing Parliament House. The building was constructed 1926–1931 and was officially inaugurated on March 7, 1931. Ever since then, and especially during the Winter War and Continuation War, it has been the scene of many key moments in the nation's political life.

Information from: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliament_House,_Helsinki

Helsinki is one of my favorite cities in Europe.

Tags:   Finland Suomi Republic of Finland Suomen tasavalta Republiken Finland Europe Europa European Union Evropská unie Europese Unie Union européenne Europäische Union Európai Unió Unione europea Unia Europejska Uniunea Europeană Európska únia Evropska unija Uusimaa Nyland Greater Helsinki Helsingin seutu Suur-Helsinki Helsingforsregionen Storhelsingfors Helsinki Helsingfors Baltic Region National Capitols Etu-Töölö Northern Europe Европейски съюз Europska unija Den Europæiske Union Euroopa Liit Euroopan unioni Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση An tAontas Eorpach Eiropas Savienība Europos Sąjunga Unjoni Ewropea União Europeia Unión Europea Europeiska unionen Nordic Countries FIN

N 0 B 372 C 0 E May 23, 2018 F Aug 21, 2018
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The Parliament House (Eduskuntatalo in Finnish and Riksdagshuset in Swedish) is the seat of the Parliament of Finland. It is located in the Finnish capital Helsinki, in the district of Töölö.

In 1923 a competition was held to choose a site for a new parliament house. Arkadianmäki, a hill beside what is now Mannerheimintie, was chosen as the best site.

The architectural competition which was held in 1924 was won by the firm of Borg–Sirén–Åberg with a proposal called Oratoribus (Latin for "for the speakers"). Johan Sigfrid Sirén (1889–1961), who was mainly responsible for preparing the proposal, was given the task of designing Parliament House. The building was constructed 1926–1931 and was officially inaugurated on March 7, 1931. Ever since then, and especially during the Winter War and Continuation War, it has been the scene of many key moments in the nation's political life.

Information from: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliament_House,_Helsinki

Helsinki is one of my favorite cities in Europe.

Tags:   Finland Suomi Republic of Finland Suomen tasavalta Republiken Finland Europe Europa European Union Evropská unie Europese Unie Union européenne Europäische Union Európai Unió Unione europea Unia Europejska Uniunea Europeană Európska únia Evropska unija Uusimaa Nyland Greater Helsinki Helsingin seutu Suur-Helsinki Helsingforsregionen Storhelsingfors Helsinki Helsingfors Baltic Region National Capitols Etu-Töölö Northern Europe Европейски съюз Europska unija Den Europæiske Union Euroopa Liit Euroopan unioni Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση An tAontas Eorpach Eiropas Savienība Europos Sąjunga Unjoni Ewropea União Europeia Unión Europea Europeiska unionen Nordic Countries FIN

N 0 B 438 C 0 E May 23, 2018 F Aug 21, 2018
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The Parliament House (Eduskuntatalo in Finnish and Riksdagshuset in Swedish) is the seat of the Parliament of Finland. It is located in the Finnish capital Helsinki, in the district of Töölö.

In 1923 a competition was held to choose a site for a new parliament house. Arkadianmäki, a hill beside what is now Mannerheimintie, was chosen as the best site.

The architectural competition which was held in 1924 was won by the firm of Borg–Sirén–Åberg with a proposal called Oratoribus (Latin for "for the speakers"). Johan Sigfrid Sirén (1889–1961), who was mainly responsible for preparing the proposal, was given the task of designing Parliament House. The building was constructed 1926–1931 and was officially inaugurated on March 7, 1931. Ever since then, and especially during the Winter War and Continuation War, it has been the scene of many key moments in the nation's political life.

Information from: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliament_House,_Helsinki

Helsinki is one of my favorite cities in Europe.

Tags:   Finland Suomi Republic of Finland Suomen tasavalta Republiken Finland Europe Europa European Union Evropská unie Europese Unie Union européenne Europäische Union Európai Unió Unione europea Unia Europejska Uniunea Europeană Európska únia Evropska unija Uusimaa Nyland Greater Helsinki Helsingin seutu Suur-Helsinki Helsingforsregionen Storhelsingfors Helsinki Helsingfors Baltic Region National Capitols Etu-Töölö Northern Europe Европейски съюз Europska unija Den Europæiske Union Euroopa Liit Euroopan unioni Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση An tAontas Eorpach Eiropas Savienība Europos Sąjunga Unjoni Ewropea União Europeia Unión Europea Europeiska unionen Nordic Countries FIN

N 0 B 259 C 0 E May 23, 2018 F Aug 21, 2018
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The Parliament House (Eduskuntatalo in Finnish and Riksdagshuset in Swedish) is the seat of the Parliament of Finland. It is located in the Finnish capital Helsinki, in the district of Töölö.

In 1923 a competition was held to choose a site for a new parliament house. Arkadianmäki, a hill beside what is now Mannerheimintie, was chosen as the best site.

The architectural competition which was held in 1924 was won by the firm of Borg–Sirén–Åberg with a proposal called Oratoribus (Latin for "for the speakers"). Johan Sigfrid Sirén (1889–1961), who was mainly responsible for preparing the proposal, was given the task of designing Parliament House. The building was constructed 1926–1931 and was officially inaugurated on March 7, 1931. Ever since then, and especially during the Winter War and Continuation War, it has been the scene of many key moments in the nation's political life.

Information from: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliament_House,_Helsinki

Helsinki is one of my favorite cities in Europe.

Tags:   Finland Suomi Republic of Finland Suomen tasavalta Republiken Finland Europe Europa European Union Evropská unie Europese Unie Union européenne Europäische Union Európai Unió Unione europea Unia Europejska Uniunea Europeană Európska únia Evropska unija Uusimaa Nyland Greater Helsinki Helsingin seutu Suur-Helsinki Helsingforsregionen Storhelsingfors Helsinki Helsingfors Baltic Region National Capitols Etu-Töölö Northern Europe Европейски съюз Europska unija Den Europæiske Union Euroopa Liit Euroopan unioni Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση An tAontas Eorpach Eiropas Savienība Europos Sąjunga Unjoni Ewropea União Europeia Unión Europea Europeiska unionen Nordic Countries FIN
