Standing alone in the pitch dark, the alien landscape of jagged lava rock stretched endlessly around me, each step crunching softly underfoot. The Milky Way boldly testified overhead in a breathtaking display, its billions of stars forming a celestial river of light. As I set up my camera, the only sounds were my movements and the occasional whisper of wind. In the distance, a single path wound its way up a lava cone, a dark silhouette against the starry sky, as if it were reaching toward the very core of the Milky Way.
This path might parallel our individual journeys in life. Just as this trail ascends toward the galaxy's heart, we too must embark on our own unique journeys, aspiring to reach greater heights and uncover our boundless potential. The path may be challenging in the dark and the night may seem endless, but the destination—the realization of our dreams and ambitions—is always worth striving for.
20 images
10 sec
ISO 12800
This image was taken with the Nikkor 14–24 f/2.8 S lens and Nikon Z8. I used a linear camera profile to edit this photo in Lightroom, with custom curves in Lightroom, and final editing in Photoshop.
Copyright 2024 Chris Ross Photography. All Rights Reserved. Do not copy, share, link, or use this image in any form- print, digital, or otherwise- on blogs, personal or professional websites or any other media form. This work is protected by international copyright laws and agreements. No part of this photo stream may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without my permission.
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