lightroom adventures continued... another crop, bit more exposure to pull out the eyes of my little black dog (who's not really that little!)
I'm pretty impressed with the rescuing powers of RAW and Lightroom.
Tags: dog snow play dance great dane
lightroom 3 beta to the rescue. cropped my black dog. maybe a local correction plug-in (like Nik's Viveza?). ack. more things to spend money on. maybe it costs less to just pay better attention when taking the picture...
Out for a walk and came upon these 2 great danes. It is *very* impressive to see so much dog jumping around playing. (My dog was impressed too, she's the spectator.)
My spontaneous reaction was to switch to shutter priority and get it down enough to catch the action... unfortunately I'd forgotten about the sloooow kit lens, which is only on while I wait for a new 50mm 1.8. Dark and noisy. I miss my 1.8!!
Desaturated some to take away a little red noise. Wish I knew how to really "fix" a dark, noisy shot like this...
Tags: great dane snow play dog
for moni's motivklingel eisernen fotograf #7...
1. Etwas, das für Dich untrennbar mit Winter verbunden ist: Schnee! im Schnee spielen!
2. Ein Stück Sommerbekleidung: aus Holz, aber immerhin... ;-)
3. Die Farbe Schwarz: Ducky the very black dog
Technically crappy. :-( I'm having trouble adjusting to my slow kit lens that I've had to use while waiting for my replacement 1.8 lens. One of these days I'll learn some post production...
Tags: winter dog play children at play friends mmkef7
first time using lightroom 3 beta. played with exposure, brightness, noise reduction, sharpening. this could get expensive.