good thing you can't smell photos. even after washing these gloves they were stil kind of ripe-smelling.
Tags: gloves radiator winter
looking straight up through the tree. not much of a story, more experimenting with possiblities for b/w shots...
Tags: winter naked branches
for mmkef8 assignment:
the 3 ingredients:
something made of paper,
something you can fill,
picture taken from low perspective (I was pretty much lying down on my seat...)
a long train ride *always* includes an ipod - filled with podcasts ;-) - and a good paperback.
Tags: mmkef8 black and white hands time dof
This boat was sitting next to a place where we decided to have a picknick lunch, a spot other than where we'd planned to take a break. The table and bench next to the boat looked much like the boat: covered with old leaves and grown over with moss. But it was a special spot all the same - it reminded me of one of the nicest things about traveling: unexpected discoveries that turn into special memories...
So I'm thinking I might use it for the latest iron photographer assignment for moni's motivklingel podcast
something you associate with travel (unexpected roadside discoveries)
natural light,
vignette (or in this case, a feeble attempt at vignetting ;-)
or maybe I'll use the color version, can't decide...
Getting ready for a big trip myself, thinking about this assignment gets me in the mood to go exploring...
Tags: mmkef9 travel road boat discovery