week 1 of 52
down with the flu this week, had to make do with nearby objects
Woohoo, got started! For me that's a big step towards doing the big five two with y'all. Enjoying it so much already. :-)
Though not a self portrait, this pic was taken to follow the January "me, myself, I" theme. ;-) Really, there's a lot there about me...
Tags: iguy 52 project
week 2 of 52
me, myself and I are in there, doing things we love to do... ;-)
Tags: train reflection rail window 52 project 52
week 3 of 52 for The Big Five Two (be warned: my camera time is often combined with dog walks ;-)
"unscharf" for Happy Shooting assignment
Tags: bridge shadow aare sandstone big five two 52 hsunscharf untertorbrücke bern
week 4 of 52
another selfies (me plus the dog) to round out the month's me, myself and eye ;-)
4 whole weeks, this feels good!
Tags: dirty picture reflection mirror wall dog 52 project the big five-two sort of a self portrait but not really
on the other side you have to pay ;-)
week 5 of 52
Tags: gratis sidewalk gutter street