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Craig Steinberg / 203 items

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DCist Photo of the Day for April 29, 2013


Tags:   Washington, DC street photography street urban Black and White B&W downtown DC Fuji X100s Photo of the Day

N 283 B 15.0K C 135 E Mar 19, 2010 F Mar 19, 2010
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The altiplano of southwest Bolivia is one of the most fascinating corners of South America, holding not only the famous Salar de Uyuni, but geysers, salt lakes, rare wildlife, and 20,000 foot peaks. It's easy to hire a jeep and take off on multiday tour, all between altitudes ranging from 11,000 to 15,000 feet.

On our last night we were staying in a small village when I noticed a nice sunset coming on. I grabbed my gear and headed out to see if I could find something interesting to shoot. Just as peak color arrived, I noticed a llama herder pushing his animals toward a corral. A full on sprint across the village (not easy at 13,000 feet!) allowed me to capture this shot-- probably my favorite from my year in South America. It's fairly similar to one I posted several years back with some contrast and exposure bumps.

Tags:   altiplano travel bolivia south america llamas sunset sky clouds vibrant michael bollino outside southwest bolivia andes salar de uyuni jeep altitude earth magic BlueRibbonWinner explore FP

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View of the helicopter ride from the Paratrooper. Funland, 6 Delaware Ave, Rehoboth Beach, DE.

Tags:   rehoboth2012

N 37 B 5.2K C 11 E Mar 19, 2012 F Mar 19, 2012
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Playing with water and dry ice,
Off camera flash, fired wirelessly

My Portfolio:
Nathan Harrison

Follow me at:
Espresso Time Photography

Tags:   Flash Water Orange Art Strobist Nathan Harrison Espresso Time Canon 5DMKii Dryice Smoke Cool Splash Photography Image product commercial fashion style lifestyle

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May your glass be full of light, always. Cheers.
Nathan Harrison

Tags:   Light Glass Wine Glass Minimal Refinement Espresso Time Nathan Harrison Canon Blue Photography Image bnw black white BW noiretblanc product commercial fashion style lifestyle noir black and white Mono Photographer
