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User / Cybergabi / When I Almost Threw Up Into The Office Paper Basket
8,969 items
Day 135/365

Ok, so here's the story: Some of you know that I've joined dave's "Take A Class With Dave", where we get weekly assignments. One of this week's is "Motion Blur", whereas actually he meant "panning" - moving the camera with the moving object, so that the object is in focus, but not the background.

I have tried tons of panning pictures before, and never was successful. The assignment also said that if you're not successful, you can capture motion differently as well - but you need to try panning first.

Which was what I had planned to do.

Until yesterday, when my dear flickr friend David (srfutbol) posted THIS incredibly awesome, funny and technically great shot of himself spinning in an office chair.

Well, you know me - I couldn't resist trying it myself. When everyone else had left the holy halls at work, I did the same.

Don't ever imitate it. I seriously cannot recommend it. First of all, it's still difficult (unless your camera is practically rack-mounted to your body) to get yourself halfways into focus, and to get enough background into the picture, and to keep spinning all the time. So it took me again about 20 trials/ 10 minutes until I achieved this mediocre result.

And then: IF you choose to do it, against my warning, don't stop. Spinning, I mean. Or not as abruptly as I did. It was horrible. I REALLY thought I had to throw up. Even half an hour later I still felt sick. And even now, 2 hours later, it's not totally over.

The things we do for art.


But at least my assignment for this week is complete then, and I am one of the
COOL KIDS again.


(Ooh, and I just realized this is picture #1,500 on my stream!)
  • Views: 1520
  • Comments: 19
  • Favorites: 0
  • Taken: Jan 23, 2007
  • Uploaded: Jan 23, 2007
  • Updated: Feb 13, 2011