Taken for Dave & Dave's assignment "Music".
This is called a Jew's harp and is about the only instrument I am able to operate. (Well, except for the air guitar, of course :-)
I had flute lessons in junior high school and was even a member of the school's orchestra for 3 or 4 years, but I'm afraid I would have to start from scratch if I tried again.
At the age of 30 I bought myself a used e-piano and took rock piano lessons for a year. "Killing me softly" and "Proud Mary" were as far as I got until I fell out with my piano teacher, a guy in his late 30s who was continuously busted, over DM 1,000, a fairly high amount of money for me at that time, which I had borrowed him in return for a check which he had requested me to cash for him. The check of course got bounced. After continuous nagging from my side, he returned half of the money, but then suddenly left town - and my life.
Since I moved to Frankfurt 9 years ago, the piano has been stowed away in its case in the guest room, since there's no place in this jammed house where I could put it. Should I ever get that loft I've been dreaming of, I might give it another try.
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Tags: music jew's harp instrument cwd cwd5 cwd51 shadow Explore #307 cwdgs cwdgs5 cwd01-25 5+F
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Taken for the weekly assignment "Wide Angle" in Take A Class With Dave".
18mm lens at .8 feet distance. The duck is about 3-4 inches in length.
Tags: cwd32 wide angle Janosch Tigerente tiger duck on white toys wood high key cwd3 cwd Explore #339 cwd01-25 5+F
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