A Pair of Eurasian Collared-doves watching over their nest site - Okaloosa Island, Fort Walton Beach, FL
A pair of Collared-doves keep watch over a prospective nest sight, though this one seems to be a bit too much out in the open considering all the Red-shoulders and Falcons that abound in Florida.
Collared-doves are one of our latest invasive species that flew the distance from the Bahamas (where they were introduced) to Florida. They are now spreading northward, and I hope they will not have too negative an effect on our local doves, but if it's their tendency to pick nest sites in the open like this, perhaps they'll not pose too great a threat to our local doves.
Tags: KH0831 Florida 2011 bird Streptopelia decaocto Streptopelia decaocto Nature
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