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User / Dahai Z / Sets / Larger Animals
21 items

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Young buck crosses the water at Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve this evening

Tags:   video buck Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve Canon R5 Canon RF 100-500 Deer water

N 1 B 669 C 2 E Aug 19, 2011 F Oct 3, 2011
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Mountain Goat, Jasper National Park

I commented on another Flickr photo (http://www.flickr.com/photos/debby_ab/6160940627/) about a beautiful rear end. I think I have something to compete with that (the rear end part). This was just by the roadside in the Jasper National Park on our way to the hot springs.

These goats were ingesting something from the gravel on the side of the road, supposedly for calcium and other minerals. Everybody stopped and took pictures of them. Some got really close (not me, I was using my zoom lens) and they started running away.

Tags:   Canadian Rockies Jasper National Park Mountain Goat

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We had a beautiful sunny day today and I went to The Grove in Glenview for the lunch break and saw this doe stunned upon seeing me just feet away, completely frozen. I remained absolutely still with my camera, until she fled!


Tags:   Deer Doe The Grove Winter 2016 Lunch break Glenview IL Eyes Ears Snout

N 23 B 8.8K C 15 E Jul 18, 2014 F Jul 22, 2014
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Giraffe and Gazelle sharing the same living quarters in Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago

Chicago's Lincoln Park is one of the very few places where they don't charge a dime. I could park on the street (if you can find a spot), visit the Nature Museum, the Conservatory and the Zoo without paying any fee. Even the zoo animals get along, sharing the same space in peace and harmony.

Tags:   Canon 100mm Macro Canon EOS 60D Chicago Giraffe Lincoln Park Zoo Summer 2014 Gazelle Sharing

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Deer crossing at Japser, Indiana

Tags:   Deer
