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User / Dahai Z / Sets / Winter 2014-15
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Morning at Des Plaines River from River Trail Nature Center
Northbrook, Illinois, USA

Today is the first day of winter but this year we haven't got a real winter-like day.

Can you find my car?

Tags:   DXO Optics Pro 8 Canon EF 24-105mm F/4L IS USM Canon EOS 6D Clouds Des Plaines River Marsh Morning Northbrook IL Rivertrail Nature Center Winter 2014-15

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American Bald Eagle in Lock and Dam #14, LeClaire, Iowa

Looks like I have started a tradition to go see the bald eagles on New Year's Eve. This time I was lucky to get closer to the birds while they were in flight.

I shot with both the 6D and 60D using the same 70-200 lens. It seems I was able to get much cleaner and more in-focus shots with the 6D than with the 60D. If only I had a longer telephoto lens!

Have a wonderful 2015, my friends!

Tags:   Bald Eagle Bird in Flight Canon EF 70-200 f/4L IS USM Canon EOS 6D Flying birds LeClaire Iowa Lock and Dam 14 Mississippi River New Year's Eve

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Bald Eagle with moon at Lock and Dam #14, LeClaire, Iowa

Now that I doctored two moon shots over Half Dome, you should certainly question the authenticity of this moon shot. Can you tell if this moon was Photoshopped in?

By the way, the moon was actually out yesterday when I was shooting eagles.

Tags:   Bald Eagle Bird in Flight Canon EF 70-200 f/4L IS USM Canon EOS 6D Flying birds LeClaire Iowa Lock and Dam 14 Mississippi River Moon New Year's Eve Photoshop Fake

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Milwaukee Art Museum

Took my daughter to Milwaukee on Tuesday to see the classic Italian painting exhibits. The masterpieces were very well preserved and presented and they did look of a different era and did not resonate with her or myself. The museum itself was quite interesting, though.

This steel sculpture is called "Argo," by late Russian-American artist Alexander Liberman.

Happy Fence Friday!

(I thought of putting a moon on this but then I thought about it...)

Tags:   Canon EF 24-105mm F/4L IS USM Canon EOS 6D Milwaukee Milwaukee Art Museum Sculpture Winter 2014-15 Wisconsin Abtract Art Wall Fence Happy Fence Friday HFF Argo Alexander Liberman

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Milwaukee Art Museum

A seagull flew overhead as I photographed the structure of this beautiful modern museum.

Tags:   Architecture Blue Sky Canon EF 24-105mm F/4L IS USM Canon EOS 6D Milwaukee Milwaukee Art Museum Winter 2014-15 Wisconsin
