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User / DameBoudicca / Tags / ombrie
Rebecca Bugge / 10 items

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View from the hotel I was staying at in Castiglione del Lago, with a view of the lake Trasimeno which gives the town its name.

To the right is the castle Palazzo della Corgna, dating back to the mid of the 16th century when it was built for the condottiere Ascanio della Corgna.

ⓒRebecca Bugge, All Rights Reserved
Do not use without permission.

Tags:   Italy Italien Italia Italie イタリア Trasimeno Lake Trasimeno Lago Trasimeno Trasimenischer See Lac Trasimène トラジメーノ湖 Umbria Umbrien Umbría Ombrie ウンブリア州 lake sjö lac lago See 湖 blue blå blau azul bleu blu 青 mountain berg montaña montagne montagna 山 cloud moln Wolke Nube nuage Nuvola 雲 rain regn Regen lluvia pluie pioggia 雨 storm Sturm tormenta tempête tempesta 嵐 palazzo Palazzo della Corgna Corgna

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View from Castiglione del Lago over the Lake Trasimeno - with a storm coming in over the waters.

The Trasimeno lake, located in Umbria, is the fourth biggest lake in Italy.

ⓒRebecca Bugge, All Rights Reserved
Do not use without permission.

Tags:   Italy Italien Italia Italie イタリア Trasimeno Lake Trasimeno Lago Trasimeno Trasimenischer See Lac Trasimène トラジメーノ湖 Umbria Umbrien Umbría Ombrie ウンブリア州 lake sjö lac lago See 湖 blue blå blau azul bleu blu 青 mountain berg montaña montagne montagna 山 cloud moln Wolke Nube nuage Nuvola 雲 rain regn Regen lluvia pluie pioggia 雨 storm Sturm tormenta tempête tempesta 嵐

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ⓒRebecca Bugge, All Rights Reserved
Do not use without permission.

The passage way in the city wall from the ducal palace to the fortress in Castiglione del Lago - for times of unrest.

(And yes, it is really narrow....)

Tags:   Italy Italien Italia Italie イタリア Umbria Umbrien Umbría Ombrie ウンブリア州 castiglione del lago medeltiden middle ages medioevo medieval edad media moyen âge mittelalter 中世 city wall stadsmur Stadtmauer muralla muraille mura 城壁 shadow skugga Schatten sombra ombre ombra 影 passageway Durchgang passage corsia 通路

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ⓒRebecca Bugge, All Rights Reserved
Do not use without permission.

A view from the fortress, Rocca del Leone (the Lion fortress), over the medieval town of Castiglione del Lago, including the ducal palace (also known as Palazzo della Corgna and now is the town hall).

The fortress was first built in the first centuries of the 13th century, on orders from Frederick II, the Holy Roman Emperor. It was probably done by Elia da Cortona (also known as Elia da Assisi (he was born in Assisi and died at Cortona). Already in 1325 the fortification was renovated by Lorenzo Maitani (otherwise most known for his work on the cathedral in Orvieto). The tower here is the keep, a triangular structure, 39 metres high.

The wall to the far right is not only the city wall but also a corridor, connecting the fortress and the palace, so that the people in the palace could evacuate there in times of need.

The Renaissance palace was built on orders from Ascanio della Corgna (1516-1571) who was made marquess of the area by the pope Julius III (who was his uncle). The work started in 1563 and the man behind the work was the architect Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola (often just called Vignola) who was quite well known - other work by him included Villa Farnese at Caprarola and Villa Giulia in Rome. The palace was made to look like a little royal palace and it included gardens, though they have not been preserved. The palace, after some rough years, was bought by the Town Council in 1870.

The palace has many frescoes, done by Giovanni Antonio Pandolfi, Salvio Savini and (somewhat later) Niccolò Circignani. The palace now houses a museum, well worth a visit just for the magnificent rooms and those works of art (though nothing really of the original furnishing survives - except some chairs). And no photography allowed inside...

Tags:   Italy Italien Italia Italie イタリア Umbria Umbrien Umbría Ombrie ウンブリア州 rocca stronghold fästning bastion Festung bastión 要塞 elias of cortona Elia da assisi elias of assisi elia da cortona lorenzo maitani brick brickwork tegel tegelsten Backstein brique ladrillo 煉瓦 rocca del leone castiglione del lago medeltiden middle ages medioevo medieval edad media moyen âge mittelalter 中世 tower torn Turm torre tour 塔 keep kärntorn donjon torre del homenaje torreón dongione キープ battlement crenellation Krenelering crestería créneau 胸壁 Palazzo della Corgna palace palats Palast Palacio palais palazzo 宮殿

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ⓒRebecca Bugge, All Rights Reserved
Do not use without permission.

View of the medieval fortifications at Castiglione del Lago, which has a magnificent view over the Lake Trasimeno.

The fortress, Rocca del Leone (the Lion fortress) was first built in the first centuries of the 13th century, on orders from Frederick II, the Holy Roman Emperor. It was probably done by Elia da Cortona (also known as Elia da Assisi (he was born in Assisi and died at Cortona). Already in 1325 the fortification was renovated by Lorenzo Maitani (otherwise most known for his work on the cathedral in Orvieto). The tower here is the keep, a triangular structure, 39 metres high.

Tags:   Italy Italien Italia Italie イタリア Umbria Umbrien Umbría Ombrie ウンブリア州 rocca stronghold fästning bastion Festung bastión 要塞 elias of cortona Elia da assisi elias of assisi elia da cortona lorenzo maitani brick brickwork tegel tegelsten Backstein brique ladrillo 煉瓦 rocca del leone castiglione del lago medeltiden middle ages medioevo medieval edad media moyen âge mittelalter 中世 tower torn Turm torre tour 塔 keep kärntorn donjon torre del homenaje torreón dongione キープ battlement crenellation Krenelering crestería créneau 胸壁
