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User / Jackie & Dennis / Sets / Ellmau, Austria - 2018
Jackie & Dennis / 166 items

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As you can see we had a damp start to our holiday. And we had prime balcony seats for the band evenings. And the we were just a short distance from the bus top - its has got a yellow flag - just by the bandstand. And being near the church was not an issue as the bells did not chim overnight.

We had stayed in Manchester (Heald Green, Premier Inn) the night before and the weather had been OK - we had enjoyed a meal at the Cinamon Tree and had had a ver nice welcome at the Premier Inn. Its is convenient as it is a few minutes from the train station, but as the trains did not start early we ordered a taxi.

We got wet getting into taxi even though the driver had brught it in as close as he could and we got wet boarding the plane as it was a walk on. Then it was dry for a while, in fact it was dry until after we had settled into our room and been to the tourist office and shopped a bit.

But then it kept raining. We did brave a short post dinner walk, but it was still raining and we didn't go very far before deciding getting wet was not a good idea.


Tags:   Ellmau balcony rain AktivHotel Hochfilzer AktivHotel Hochfilzer

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Sunday morning and on our return from the Rep's meeting we found our room made up and a towel swan, so Caesar decided to make friends.

The Rep's meeting had been a stroll round Ellmau with Keith - and it was just us that turned up, and so we had chance to ask lots of questions about transport - particularly the "taxi" free bus up to the Wochenbrunner Alm - this goes once a day and runs each morning, but if you want a return journey at the scheduled time it needs to e booked.

Tags:   Caesar Towel swan swan Towel art AktivHotel Hochfilzer AktivHotel Hochfilzer Ellmau

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We had not heard of "Der Bergdoktor" - it has a following of millions and they come to visit inthe film sites in their droves. This is Der Bergdoktorpraxis.

Tags:   der Bergdoktor Der Bergdoktorpraxis Ellmau Bergdoktor

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A snail caught my attention - somewhat camera shy as it drew its horns in. Hopefully it relaxed and went on its way after I left it in peace.

Tags:   ellmau snail

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Love is the source of life - took me a few attempts to translate as I had thought it was a mixture of german and french as I read lebens as "le bens"

The phrase is also the name of an artwork by Giovanni Segantini.

Tags:   die quelle des lebens liebe ist love is the source of life Ellmau
