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Daniel Phan / 3 items

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First photo with my new Nikon d7000
Centro de Controlo do Tráfego Marítimo - VTS Lisboa
Hitech 0.9 HE

Tags:   paulo.maxim nikon d7000 tokina 12-24 at-x 124 pro dx Lisboa VTS

N 334 B 23.6K C 519 E May 30, 2009 F May 30, 2009
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One day, I will get my spots and join the ranks of the other ladybugs.

This Ladybug was shot with my Canon PowerShot SX1 IS with the Raynox DCR-250 lens attached. Now, I really, really, love my Raynox DCR-250!

For my other shots taken with the Raynox DCR-250 lens, click here.

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Tags:   Ladybug Leaf Water Drops Insect Bug Reflection Refraction Nature Canon PowerShot SX1 IS Raynox DCR250 Macro PlatinumBestShot platinumpeaceaward PlatinumHeartAward

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Tags:   portrait Tower Bridge London UK Olympus E-510 50mm f2.0 macro
