Cleveland Museum of Art
Armor Court
Part of the original colelction and still housed in the 1914 building, the armor is a link to Cleveland's industrial past as a major producer and user of steel.
Tags: Cleveland Museum of Art armor Armor Court
Cleveland Museum of Art
Armor Court
Part of the original colelction and still housed in the 1914 building, the armor is a link to Cleveland's industrial past as a major producer and user of steel.
Tags: Cleveland Museum of Art armor Armor Court
The Chinese Zodiac
A series of large bronze statues of the animals representing the Chinese zodiac
Tags: Cleveland Museum of Art Chinese zodiac statue bronze dragon
Cleveland Museum of Art
Tags: Cleveland Museum of Art furniture highboy
Cleveland Museum of Art
Armor Court
Part of the original colelction and still housed in the 1914 building, the armor is a link to Cleveland's industrial past as a major producer and user of steel.
Tags: Cleveland Museum of Art armor Armor Court