Forest Hill Shopping Center
Kokomo, IN
When they remodelled the shopping center a while back, they put in this little courtyard. I beleive that it was part of The Quarry restaurant and is now part of A. Michael, an upscale restaurant.
Tags: Forest Hill Shopping Cetner Kokomo IN fountain pond
Forest Hill Shopping Center
Kokomo, IN
When they remodelled the shopping center a while back, they put in this little courtyard. I beleive that it was part of The Quarry restaurant and is now part of A. Michael, an upscale restaurant.
Tags: Forest Hill Shopping Cetner Kokomo IN fountain pond
Forest Hill Shopping Center
Kokomo, IN
When they remodelled the shopping center a while back, they put in this little courtyard. I beleive that it was part of The Quarry restaurant and is now part of A. Michael, an upscale restaurant.
Tags: Forest Hill Shopping Cetner Kokomo IN statue
I planted this tulip tree in 1983. I like to see how it is doing when I go back. Unfortunately, the lighting on the tree was "not great", but I had little option due to time constraints.
Tags: tulip tree Kokomo IN