Returning the photographer's gaze - sometimes with a proud and knowing smile, an indignant look of resistance and mimicry, or a long studied stare as the observer becomes the observed. The gaze is returned, the observer othered. Subject owns the gaze for a frozen moment.
A proud, elegant Maasai herder of the warrior age-set pauses for a moment to vogue this pose on his return to a cattle camp near the crater rim in the Ngorongoro Highlands of northern Tanzania. Adorned with glass-beaded necklaces, medallion and wrist band; an amber bracelet; stretched earlobes with glass-beaded sleeves and copper pendants.
High resolution Noritsu Koki QSS-31 digital film scan, shot with a compact semi-automatic point-and-shoot Pentax camera, circa 1997.
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Documentary Portraiture | National Geographic | BodyArt