Local residents gather to greet visitors on the jetty at Kilwa Kisiwani Island, Tanzania.
Tags: Kilwa Kisiwani Island Tanzania
In the 14th and 15th centuries Kilwa Kisiwani in present Tanzania was the seat of the most powerful Swahili city state on the East African coast. Today it's a quiet fishing village (the name means "isle of the fish").
Tags: Kilwa Kisiwani Tanzania Swahili African fishing village
Residents of Kilwa Kisiwani Island, Tanzania, perform a dance for overseas visitors.
Tags: Kilwa Kisiwani Island Tanzania
The women of Kilwa Kisiwani Island, Tanzania, favor colorful attire.
Tags: Kilwa Kisiwani women Kilwa Kisiwani Island Tanzania
The 15th century Malindi Mosque at Kilwa Kisiwani, Tanzania, was rebuilt by a family from Malindi, Kenya, in the 18th century.
Tags: Malindi Mosque Kilwa Kisiwani Tanzania Kenya