Ibo, a small Indian Ocean Island off the north coast of Mozambique, is a wonderfully laid back place to visit although access is difficult.
Tags: Ibo Indian Ocean Island Mozambique
Wooden dhows connect Ibo Island to Quissanga on the Mozambique mainland.
Tags: dhows Ibo Island Quissanga Mozambique
Local entertainers perform for cruise ship passengers on Ibo Island, Mozambique. Until the arrival of the Portuguese in 1502 Ibo was an Arab trading port.
Tags: Ibo Island Mozambique Portuguese Arab
The Fortim Sao Jose (1760) on Ibo Island, Mozambique, was used to hold slaves in early colonial times. It's the oldest of three Portuguese forts on Ibo.
Tags: Island Mozambique slaves Portuguese forts Ibo
The Praça dos Heróis Moçambicanos on Ibo Island, Mozambique, is the town's sleepy central square.
Tags: Ibo Island Mozambique