The Jethavana Museum showcases sculpture from Anuradhapura, ancient capital of Sri Lanka from 500 BC to the 9th century AD.
Tags: Jethavana Museum sculpture Anuradhapura Sri Lanka
The Jetavanarama Dagoba in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, was the third tallest building in the world when constructed in the 3rd century BC, surpassed only by the Giza pyramids.
Tags: Jetavanarama Dagoba Anuradhapura Sri Lanka
Sri Maha Bodi, the sacred bo tree at Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, is the world's oldest historically authenticated tree. The original cutting was brought here over 2000 years ago from Bodhgaya, India, by the first Buddhist missionary.
Tags: Sri Maha Bodi Anuradhapura Sri Lanka Bodhgaya India Buddhist
The 2nd century BC Ruvanvelisaya Dagoba at Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, is surrounded by an elephant frieze.
Tags: Ruvanvelisaya Dagoba Anuradhapura Sri Lanka elephant
The Ruvanvelisaya Dagoba is visible across Thissa Wewa Lake at Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.
Tags: Thissa Wewa Lake Ruvanvelisaya Dagoba Anuradhapura Sri Lanka