High cliffs mark the southernmost tip of the Isle of Man between England and Ireland.
Tags: Isle of Man United Kingdom
In this photo Calf of Man is to the left of Spanish Head on the Isle of Man between England and Ireland.
Tags: Spanish Head Calf of Man Isle of Man
Calf Sound between the Isle of Man (right) and Calf of Man (left) is notorious for its strong tidal rip.
Tags: Calf Sound Isle of Man Calf of Man
Calf of Man between England and Ireland.is a bird sanctuary owned by Manx National Heritage. Purple flowering heathers add a touch of color to the island in spring and summer.
Tags: Calf of Man Manx National Heritage heather
The Chicken Rock Lighthouse (1875) lines up with two additional lighthouses on Calf of Man between England and Ireland.
Tags: Chicken Rock Lighthouse Calf of Man