The Delaware National Guard held a deployment ceremony for more than 150 Delaware Army National Guardsmen, Jan. 11, at the Delaware Army Aviation Facility in New Castle, Del., in front of friends and families.
The Citizen Soldiers, from the 160th Engineer Company, are scheduled to deploy to Southwest Asia for one year in support of United States Central Command later this month. Delaware Governor John Carney, DNG Adjutant General, Maj. Gen. Michael Berry and the Congressional Delegates attended the event to see the service members off before they leave.
The Guardsmen are trained to provide vertical and horizontal engineer operations in Southwest Asia and surrounding areas while deployed. The 160th will also bring roughly 50 pieces of heavy operations equipment such as bulldozers, graders and vibratory rollers.
The Engineer soldiers have been preparing for this upcoming deployment throughout the past year, adding more than 30 additional training days, ranging from masonry, demolition, plumbing and heavy machinery operations.
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