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User / delphinusorca
11 items

N 4 B 172 C 2 E May 1, 2024 F May 1, 2024
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Opossum, backyard Olympia.

Tags:   opossum backyard wildlife camera trap

N 11 B 354 C 3 E Nov 23, 2023 F Nov 25, 2023
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California Sea Lions, Newport, Oregon.

Tags:   newport oregon sea lion california sea lion pixel3a

N 14 B 1.4K C 9 E Jun 2, 2023 F Jun 2, 2023
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These are clips from my backyard camera trap during the last two weeks of May. I tried to do something a bit more ambitious but my ancient computer didn't have the processing power to make that happen. I may be missing something, but among those included are tanagers, wilson's warblers, yellow-rumped warblers, orange-crowned warblers, macgillivray's warblers, townsend warblers, yellow warblers, house finches, goldfinches, robins, towhees, nuthatches, bewick's wrens, pacific-slop flycatchers, golden-crowned kinglets, chickadees, juncos, swainsons thrush and the mammals at the end....Backyard Olympia.

Tags:   campark tc06 backyard wildlife

N 8 B 1.4K C 3 E May 16, 2023 F May 16, 2023
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This bird has been high up on my yardbird wish list for a long, long time. They are common at the neighborhood ponds this time of year, but I had never yet observed them in the yard. Truth be told, I didn't exactly observe this one. If I was watching when it was around today I didn't pick it out from the many wilson's warblers in the yard. This video was captured by the game camera, and though the lens was dirty and the light was bad, I've waited too long to add this to the yardbird list not to do so now. I may dedicate the whole of tomorrow to staking out this fountain and hoping to get a conventional photo of it. Yellow warbler, backyard Olympia.

This is the eighth warbler species photographed in the yard, and the sixty-fourth bird species overall, not counting flyovers.

1. dark-eyed juncos
2. chestnut-backed chickadees
3. black-capped chickadees
4. red-breasted nuthatches
5. spotted towhees
6. red-breasted robins
7. varied thrushes
8. hermit thrushes
9. bushtits
10. golden-crowned kinglets
11. ruby-crowned kinglets
12. brown creepers
13. common crows
14. stellar's jays
15. california/scrub jays
16. flickers
17. downy woodpeckers
18. red-breasted sapsuckers
19. starlings
20. mourning doves
21. eurasian collard doves
22. rufous hummingbirds
23. anna's hummingbirds
24. house finches
25. gold finches
26. purple finches
27. lesser goldfinches
28. pine-siskins
29. black-headed grosbeaks
30. evening grosbeaks
31. fox-sparrows
32. golden-crowned sparrows
33. song-sparrows
34. house sparrows
35. white-crowned sparrows
36. chipping sparrows
37. white-throated sparrows
38. lincoln's sparrows
39. orange-crowned warblers
40. yellow-rumped warblers
41. wilson's warblers
42. townsend's warblers
43. MacGillivray's warblers
44. black-throated gray warblers
45. bewick's wrens
46. pacific wrens
47. cedar waxwings
48. western wood pewees
49. cooper's hawks
50. sharp-shinned hawks
51. lazuli buntings
52. hutton's vireos
53. warbling vireos
54. pacific slope flycatchers
55. brown-headed cowbirds
56. western tanagers
57. red crossbills
58. townsend solitaires
59. band-tailed pigeons
60. swainson's thrushes
61. calliope hummingbirds
62. nashville warbler
63. red-tailed hawk
64. yellow warbler

Note (5.20.23): reviewing video on the game cam I see that a yellow warbler actually visited May 14.

Tags:   warbler yellow warbler backyard wildlife campark tc06

N 13 B 336 C 5 E May 1, 2023 F May 5, 2023
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About six months ago I put a game camera on the pond in the backyard to see what it might pick up. The short answer is hundreds of hours of raccoons and little else. Recently I moved it to a birdbath to keep track of what might show up when I was at work and it does okay with that. Yellow-rumped, orange-crowned, and wilsons warblers, backyard Olympia.

Tags:   warblers backyard wildlife campark tc06
