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User / Dennis S. Hurd / Sets
Dennis Sylvester Hurd / 100 items

Summer / Fall 2024 (The Current Album)
761 photos
We returned from winter on March 18. So, this album will be in effect until November 2024.

AI-Generated Images 2024
270 photos
This visual debris was created in collaboration with AI.

87 Countries I've Visited
87 photos
One representative shot from each country or territory visited.

Central Europe Trip 2024
589 photos
This year we're taking four weeks to see some of the world we've not seen.

Winter 2023-24 Sri Lanka as a Winter Base
646 photos
Winter began with flights to Sri Lanka through Istanbul on Halloween and ended with flights back through Dubai on St Patrick's Day.

Singapore & Bangkok 2024
191 photos

Dubai 2023
235 photos
Over two weeks in the city and on a mini-MSC cruise.

Puerto Vallarta 2023
175 photos
A quick trip to Mexico for Jay's birthday.

Alaskan Cruise 2023
104 photos, 1 video

Nice, France & the Côte d'Azur 2023
335 photos
A month based in Nice.

Pacific NW 5-Night Cruise 2023
64 photos
We took a local HAL cruise stopping in Astoria, OR; Seattle, WA: and Victoria, BC.

Summer / Fall 2023
354 photos
That was quick. A fun summer fly by.

Winter 2022-23 South America
1160 photos, 1 video
For our first 31 nights, we were on the MS Oosterdam. We left Miami and went through the Panama Canal and down the west coast of South America. We visited the Falkland Islands after rounding the...

AI-Generated Images 2023
695 photos
Visual debris created in collaboration with AI.

Summer / Fall 2022
533 photos

Alaskan Cruise 2022
149 photos
Jay's birthday was September 8th. We took a quick trip to Alaska from the 7th to 14th.

Icelandic Cruise 2022
454 photos

Winter 2021-22 Dubai and Sri Lanka
1551 photos
This winter away we spend a month in Dubai before heading to Sri Lanka for three. We went back to Dubai with Jay's sisters for ten days before leaving for Istanbul for six. Our final flight was...

AI-Generated Imaging 2022
301 photos
Visual debris created in collaboration with AI.

Summer / Fall 2021
563 photos

Winter 2020-21 Mexico East & West Coasts
921 photos

Summer / Fall 2020
603 photos
We got back from Malaysia through Japan because Taiwan was closed due to COVID-19. Our summer started at the end of March this year. We are heading off to Mexico on November 6th. We are not sure...

Winter 2019-20 Sri Lanka and Kuala Lumpur
1300 photos
Sri Lanka for 3 months and KL for 2. We had a hard time getting back because Taiwan airport was closed due to COVID-19. We got back a bit early via Japan at the end of March.

Summer / Fall 2019
475 photos, 1 video
I need a chronological album between winters away.

New England / Canada Cruise 2019
209 photos
September 6 to 14 - From Boston, MA to Montreal, Quebec aboard Holland America's Veendam.

One Week in Montreal 2019
151 photos
We flew for an August break to Montreal. We stayed in an Airbnb on Papineau and enjoyed the final Pride weekend.

Alaskan Cruise 2019
240 photos
I celebrated my 60th birthday by taking a cruise from our home port of Vancouver. We did an Alaskan cruise in 2001, so it was time to retrace our steps. The highlight was a helicopter ride to a...

The NH Ashes Trip 2019
168 photos
Unedited Images from our trip to New Hampshire. My 86 year old dad arranged his own cremation. Following his request, my partner and I met up with my sister in NH to take his ashes to the White...

Winter 2018-19 Bali and Kuala Lumpur
1746 photos
We divided our winter. Two months in Bali, Indonesia and three based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Taipei Stopover 2018
93 photos
On our way to a winter away.

Summer / Fall 2018
440 photos, 9 videos
In Canada, mostly. But SF, Cuba, and Panama a little.

Panama 2018
184 photos
Just a week based in Panama City, Panama.

Cuba 2018
184 photos
Just a week outside of Havana from Sept 11th to 18th.

Winter 2017-18 Penang and Siem Reap
2047 photos
Three months based in Penang with a few trips to other places in Malaysia. Then, seven weeks in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Our Cruise from Vancouver to New Zealand 2017
1103 photos
Our 42-Day cruise from British Columbia to New Zealand. The MS Noordam really did feel like home by the time we got to Auckland.

24-Day Cruise from Rome 2017
1117 photos
Holland American Lines was lucky enough to have us for 24 days starting August 15th. We went a few days early to spend some time in Rome.

Summer / Fall 2016
258 photos
We now spend seven summer months in Canada and the remaining five in other places. This is our second summer of early retirement! Yahoo.

Short Trip to the Wenas 2016
94 photos
For a few photos of our trip down to Lynne and Joel's place in August 2016.

Scandinavian and Russian Cruise 2016
550 photos
An 11-night cruise from Copenhagen.

Tunisia 2016
149 photos

Balloon Ride Over Luxor 2016
61 photos
I'm glad we did this before we departed. It was a one in a lifetime experience. We luckily were blown the Nile and ended up landing pretty near the airport.

Winter 2015-16 Luxor, Egypt
1224 photos
This is our second year into an early retirement. We are staying in the city of Luxor in Egypt from November 14, 2015 to April 14, 2016. All the photos from this time period are here.

Cairo Stopover 2015
95 photos
Before heading by train to Luxor for the winter, we stayed for four nights in the capital.

Dubai Stopover 2015
92 photos
Nearly twenty years after working there, we returned to the city on our way to Egypt for the winter.

Summer / Fall 2015
447 photos
After returning from a winter in Puerto Vallarta, we were based at home in beautiful British Columbia for 7 full months. Most all photos during this time will be thrown in this album.

Ben and Larissa's Wedding 2015
35 photos
Some photos from the weekend of Ben and Larissa's wedding near Lake Kachess in WA.

Bella Coola Road Trip 2015
110 photos
July 20 to 24 2015. This was just a chance to travel on a highway (some dirt) to get to a place in BC we'd never travelled. We bought a new camping tent and used provincial parks for these few...

Winter 2014-15 Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
1134 photos
We rented a place for our first winter after early retirement in Puerto Vallarta. We got there on November 27th and returned to New Westminster, BC on April 23rd.

OR WA Road Trip 2014
52 photos

Near East Trip 2014
591 photos
Egypt, Jordan, and Israel.

Puerto Vallarta 2013
53 photos
We went back to PV just for the week before Christmas. We had a nice time.

Road Trip BC ID WA 2013
68 photos

SE Asia 2013
69 photos

Sri Lanka 2012/13
302 photos
Need a set, I guess.

Wenas 2012
11 photos
The annual weekend down visiting Lynne and Joel.

Puerto Vallarta 2012
55 photos
Just a short week from Tuesday, February 14 to the 21st. It was the weekend of the Mardi Gras parade, as well.

China and Malaysia 2011
346 photos
September 14 to October 9, 2011 - We spent the first two weeks of our trip in China. The three main cities were Shanghai, Beijing, and Xi'an. Then, we flew onward to Malaysia and spent about 10...

Central America 2011
71 photos
I'll add a few when travelling and eventually more upon our return to Vancouver.

Eurotrip 2010
37 photos
In September we left for a month to visit Spain / Portugal / Morocco. It was a nice four weeks. I will put some of the photos from the trip here. It may take some time before they're all online.

Wenas 2010
58 photos
We created a long weekend (July 23 to 25) so we could drive down to see Lynne and Joel. It's about a 300 mile trip to their place near Yakima, Washington. The day we started travelling it was my...

PV and Guadalajara, Mexico 2010
122 photos

New York, NY - Christmas 2009
25 photos
I am going to add to this set.

Thailand / Cambodia 2009
90 photos
I've got days to add when I have time.

Sri Lanka 2009
272 photos
It took me a while to get these online but the one month section of trip in Sri Lanka is now online. You'll find over 370 photos taken during September and October 2009. They are arranged in the...

Wenas 2009
38 photos
Down I-5, half way down 405, then I-90 to Ellensburg. After that South Canyon drive to Selah and then north.

Washington DC 2009
49 photos

Las Vegas 2008
52 photos
Gotta make this an annual trip as long as airfares are under $100 bucks and 4 nights on the strip even cheaper! I admire the city.

Italy 2008
333 photos, 1 video
We spent on fall vacation in Italy. It was great. We visited Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan, Genoa, the Cinque Terre, and Naples. There are so many world-famous things to see!

Mexican Cruise 2008
73 photos
February 10 to 17 2008 - This was the third time on a cruise but our first visit to ports in Mexico. We started and ended in Long Beach, California. During the week we spent three days onshore. ...

Central Eurotrip 2007
245 photos
We travelled to Central Europe this time. Although we visited in September and October of 2007. I hope I got 'em all online.

Los Angeles 2007
42 photos
We went for a week to see if it'd be possible to visit without renting a car. We did. I'm still working on uploading this setl

Coastal Cruise, May 2006
98 photos
It took a few weeks to get these uploaded. I will keep this set available for a while. Jay and I started by taking the Quick Shuttle down to Seatac airport. Then we flew Alaska AIr into San Diego....

Sri Lanka / Hong Kong, 2006
475 photos
We visited Sri Lanka for four weeks in September of 2006. I've uploaded over 400 photos taken during that part of our vacation. It was very pleasant. We took a number of trips around the country...

Eurotrip 2005
135 photos
This area contains pictures from our three-week trip to Europe in September 2005. We flew into the Netherlands. Then we visited Brussels, Frankfurt, Luxembourg, and Paris. We returned home from...

Sri Lanka 2004
321 photos
We spent 7-weeks in Sri Lanka during September and October of 2004. We saw many parts of the the Indian Ocean Island including most of the "Cultural Triangle". We even managed to...

Some Vancouver Pride Parades (from 2006 to 2023)
293 photos
The Pride in Vancouver is a premier event of the summer schedule.

SHS Class Trip 1977 and Reunion 2002
27 photos

The West End / New West / Richmond Guys
520 photos
I repurposed this old album to include only photos taken with these longtime, BC friends. Many of these images were taken during dinners at each others' places in the neighbourhoods in the...

Views from Our Balcony
603 photos, 1 video
New Westminster, BC apartment for 20 years. I watch the Fraser River.

New Westminster, BC with my Mavic Mini Drone
256 photos
Randomly organized. These were taken in the spring, summer, and fall of 2020. The Mavic Mini was my first drone but I fear it will definitely not be my last.

New West Over the Years
2960 photos, 7 videos
New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada is my home. These are organized randomly from 2002 to today.

Junk Drawer
939 photos, 1 video
This area is for photos that have no other home. Please consider searching the entire growing collection for specific images.

222 photos, 1 video

Strangers in Public
132 photos
I spent money for a camera with a zoom, so why not start photographing people?

Older, More-Local Trips
694 photos, 1 video
This set does not contain scanned images and is arranged with the earliest ones first. This set was created a long time ago.

761 photos, 1 video
Okay, I'm re-organizing some things around here. The city now gets its own set. Many of these photos may end up being in other sets as well.

British Columbia Institute of Technology
577 photos
(1997 to 2014) I taught at the British Columbia Institute of Technology for 17 years. I taught at the downtown campus several times, but I generally requested classes at Burnaby as it's closer to...

Beautiful British Columbia
202 photos
Most of these were taken with my first digital camera. British Columbia is larger than the total area of the states of Washington, Oregon and California. Or it's about the size of France, Germany...

Beer I've Known
227 photos
New category for a relatively old interest.

Food & Drink
1311 photos, 1 video
Well, I suppose I do spend a lot of time eating ...

Flora and Fauna
707 photos
I pulled anything that looked like a real plant or animal and popped 'em into this set.

Construction of the Westminster Pier Park
219 photos
It's grand opening to the public occurred on Saturday, 16 June, 2012. I've restarted the set for addition of the pedestrian access from 4th Street during the spring of 2014. Some of these photos...

Construction of the Pier West Towers
35 photos
When I'm around, I'll document the changes.

My Former Daily Picture Project
3757 photos, 8 videos
Each photo here represented a day in my life. This project began on July 1, 2005. For years I was religious about adding each day. I no longer do.

Photos of Jay and Me
129 photos
1985 to 2023

Scanned Snapshots 70s thru 00s
1733 photos
We lived and travelled extensively and consequently had a vast collection of old snapshots. I vowed to scan the originals and throw away the ageing paper copies. I'm still working on it. These are...

The Former Old Box in the e-Attic 1958-2017
438 photos
This was my initial collection. It has been replaced when I bought a photo-specific scanner but some of these images were original that I can no longer find. I shall keep this album intact.

Blog Posting Folder
2495 photos, 1 video
From September 2003 to February 2010 - I kept all blogged photos on my own web server. Starting February 7, 2009, I had to move to blogspot.com. Now I do not wish to keep new picture data on my own...

My Photo Darkroom
126 photos
Sometimes I just want to make an old image pop or crop it for a blog entry.

29 photos
I had a Nexus One and 5. I tried to use the Google camera app on a OnePlus 6 with mixed success. In April of 2021, I purchased a Pixel 5. I have to remember to try to get better at taking...