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User / De Rode Olifant / Double Spearhead Tessellation (Michał Kosmulski) and variation "Neptune Scales Tessellation " (Marjan Smeijsters)
Marjan Smeijsters / 4,248 items
I met Michał Kosmulski at het German Origami Convention and not so long ago he created the "Double Spearhead Tessellation" and I finally found some time to fold it too! (first row, left photo).

I like the backlight versions of this tessellation very much, because you can see so many patterns each time you focus differently. That why I rotated it too, gives a different feel. (first row, right photo).

In the second row you see my variation of this tessellation, called "Neptune scales" . Big thanks to Marguerite-Helene ;-))

Here you can see the beginning: "Blocks"

Both tessellation folded from 20x20cm, glassine, grid 1:24.
  • Views: 5319
  • Comments: 16
  • Favorites: 63
  • Taken: Jun 7, 2016
  • Uploaded: Jun 7, 2016
  • Updated: Mar 15, 2021