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User / De Rode Olifant / Origami Cabriolet (Akira Kawamura)
Marjan Smeijsters / 4,248 items
I challenged myself and folded a dinky toy version of the larger origami 'Cabriolet', I uploaded yesterday. It took me longer than folding the bigger one ;-))
I colored the tires black with a felt-tip pen, before I made the photo.
Sometimes you see that folders put a coin next to the origami model, to give a frame of reference, as I do here too for this occasion.

Model: origami Cabriolet
Design: Akira Kawamura
Diagrams in the (only in Japanese language) book: 'Origami Vehicles in the New Style by Akira Kawamura' (Shoin Culture Books)

Paper: folded from rectangle golden foil 20x 1,5cm, with a square grid-division 40x21
Final size: 7,5cm long, 3cm width, 2,5cm height
  • Views: 4698
  • Comments: 54
  • Favorites: 187
  • Taken: Apr 16, 2020
  • Uploaded: May 9, 2020
  • Updated: Sep 13, 2020