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User / De Rode Olifant / Origami Kappa (Akira Yoshizawa)
Marjan Smeijsters / 4,248 items
~~As with many creatures both mythical and real, the kappa doesn't always look exactly the same. But if you encounter a vaguely reptilian creature walking upright or hanging around in a body of water, you may be dealing with a kappa. They're the size of a small child or large monkey, with humanoid arms and legs. Otherwise they have mostly reptile or amphibian-like qualities. They have webbed digits for swimming and may be scaly or slimy. They're reminiscent of a giant frog or turtle. Usually they have something like a turtle shell on their back and a beaky sort of snout. Japanese Kappa are said to smell fishy, and they're often a bluish or greenish color.

What will always be distinctive despite these variations is the top of their head. All Kappa have a small bowl-like dent on top of their heads that holds a small pool of water called the ‘sara.’ This water is though to be the source of the Kappa’s magical powers. A Kappa must keep their sara full whenever they venture onto land or forfeit all their strength and magical powers.

The other most consistent feature of the kappa is its favorite food. They have a fondness for eggplant and for several plants of the cucurbit family: melons, squash, and most especially cucumber. So that cucumber sushi roll isn't named for its ingredients, but for its most famous devotee.~~
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Model: origami Kappa
Design: Akira Yoshizawa
Diagrams in the book 'Origami Fun (Tanoshii Origami)' by Akira Yoshizawa.

Folded from one piece of patterned green paper, 18,2x18,2cm. One cut is required to form the head.
Final height 6,5cm.

""Akira Yoshizawa was a Japanese origamist, considered to be the grandmaster of origami. He is widely recognized for his work in raising origami from a craft to a living art form. Yoshizawa devised many new folding techniques during his lifetime. According to his own estimation made in 1989, he created more than 50,000 models, of which only a few hundred designs were presented as diagrams in his 18 books. Yoshizawa acted as an international cultural ambassador for Japan throughout his career. In 1983, Japanese emperor Hirohito named him to the Order of the Rising Sun, one of the highest honors that can be given to a Japanese citizen.""
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  • Views: 7447
  • Comments: 52
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  • Taken: Oct 6, 2020
  • Uploaded: Oct 6, 2020
  • Updated: Aug 23, 2021