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User / De Rode Olifant / Sets / Origami - Tessellations 2014
Marjan Smeijsters / 32 items

N 15 B 3.3K C 7 E Mar 19, 2014 F Mar 19, 2014
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You don't have to fold a whole field. You can play with this pattern ;-)) There so many possibilities, see here a few of mine ;-))

Model: Origami Whirlpool Patterns
Design: Tomoko Fuse
Diagrams and crease pattern in Tanteidan Magazine #64.

Tags:   origami tessellation paper marjan smeijsters papiroflexia paperart origami tessellation fuse tomoko fuse origami whirlpool patterns diagrams cp tanteidan tanteidan magazine #64

N 24 B 3.7K C 11 E Sep 1, 2014 F Sep 1, 2014
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Not completing all the steps of the limori-flower Mieko and a star is born!
Folded from a hexagon 24cm, grid 1:16. Finished model is about 14cm and 2cm high.

Tags:   origami Yureiko paper paperfold paperart foil paper 3D variation limori-flower Mieko limori-flower Mieko limori Mieko marjan smeijsters melina hermsen papiroflexia tessellation

N 24 B 4.6K C 20 E Feb 6, 2014 F Feb 6, 2014
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I folded this one for a friend of mine and because she likes chocolate a lot, so I used a brown colored piece of glassine.
Folded from a hexagon 50 cm, grid 1: 96. Finished model about 25 cm.

Model Double triangle sawtooth
Design: Miguel Blanco Muñoz
Diagram: Origami Tessellations book - Eric Gjerde

Tags:   origami tessellation Miguel Blanco Muñoz paper paperfold papier glassine backlit papierkunst papiervouwen papiroflexia paperart marjan smeijsters

N 19 B 6.1K C 26 E Mar 10, 2014 F Mar 10, 2014
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This is one molecule of the triple-pleat tessellation by John McKeever.
Folded from a hexagon 17 cm, glassine, grid 1:32.
You can find the CP here.

Tags:   origami tessellation paper paperfold glassine Triple-pleat tessellation John McKeever CP backlit marjan smeijsters papiroflexia paperart

N 26 B 5.2K C 21 E Mar 30, 2014 F Mar 30, 2014
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Put Rhombic Flowers 1"Big" and 3"Big" together and the result is this or this one.
Folded from a hexagon 34cm, grid 1:48, glassine.
You can find the CP here .

Tags:   Rhombic Flowers Eric Gjerde backlit paper paperfold paperart glassine tessellation CP origami marjan smeijsters papiroflexia
