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User / De Rode Olifant / Sets / Tulips
Marjan Smeijsters / 67 items

N 198 B 9.6K C 115 E May 24, 2017 F Jun 1, 2017
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"The other thing in composition is opening up the unconscious." Quote - John Fahey

Tags:   marjan smeijsters composition

N 164 B 4.8K C 89 E Apr 16, 2016 F Apr 24, 2016
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This is my favorite tulip, it blooms for ever (it seems) and survives severe winds and rain attacks. It only closes the petals and when the sun comes out again it opens too. Such a lovely sight to see and I'm in love the deep red color ;-))

Tags:   favorite tulip flower marjan smeijsters nature

N 178 B 9.1K C 168 E Jan 24, 2016 F Jan 27, 2016
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Her beauty is captured forever in full glory.

Big thanks to Daniel Arrhakis for the texture 'Flowers Impasto Texture - FIT - ARK 001 - 2015'

Tags:   glory marjan smeijsters tulip texture daniel arrhakis

N 25 B 3.5K C 22 E Feb 20, 2014 F Feb 20, 2014
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I like this simple tulip, because of its abstract shape. It's made of tree pieces of paper. Some glue is needed though. Height yellow one is 6 cm.
The leaf is traditional, called Hakama. You can find diagrams for this part here.
The complete diagrams you can find in NOA #332.
Model: Origami Tulip
Arranged by Masatsugu Tsutsumi

Tags:   origami tulip paper flower paperfold papiroflexia paperart marjan smeijsters diagrams noa #332 origami flower hakama leaf origami leaf masatsugu tsutsumi 3d origami tulip

N 163 B 5.3K C 52 E Apr 18, 2020 F Apr 19, 2020
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"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."
Quote - Kongzi

Have a wonderful start of your week ;-))

Tags:   go quote marjan smeijsters kongzi NGC
