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User / De Rode Olifant / Sets / Origami - Tessellation Progression
Marjan Smeijsters / 141 items

N 124 B 5.0K C 32 E Jan 23, 2018 F Jan 27, 2018
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Here you see two "different" tessellations, backlit. Front and backside are now crossed, instead of beside each other. I did this because in my eyes all sides are fronts sides ;-))
They have been discovered by many people, so I call them "Basics".

Each folded from hexagon about 17cm, glassine, grid 1:32

Here you can see "Basics", in real life, using the same patterns, but folded with different paper.

Nothing new for people who make tessellations, but I thought it would be nice, for those who don't fold, to give a little inside how basics forms can be altered into different shapes. It's a little exploring I started during the summer holidays ;-)

Happy weekend!

If you are interested to see more, have a look at my tessellation album "Origami - Tessellation Progression".

Tags:   marjan smeijsters origami tessellation hexagon triangle basics paper paperfolding papiroflexia paperart

N 135 B 6.2K C 48 E Jan 27, 2018 F Jan 27, 2018
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Nothing new for people who make tessellations, but I thought it would be nice, for those who don't fold, to give a little inside how basics forms can be altered into different shapes. It's a little exploring I started during the summer holidays ;-)
And also I get sometimes the request how the tessellations look like in real, not backlit, so here you are ;-)

Here you see two "different" tessellations, front (left) and backside (right), who are related to each other. They have been discovered by many people, so I call them "Basics".
I accidentally already altered one hexagon ;-))
It is very hard to explain the difference in words( sorry for that), but I do hope you see it.

Here you can see a backlit version. I folded the same patterns but with glassine, which gives such nice results, when backlit, than this paper.

Each folded from hexagon about 17cm, duo-color Kraftpaper, grid 1:32

If you are interested to see more, have a look at my tessellation album "Origami - Tessellation Progression".

Tags:   marjan smeijsters origami tessellation hexagon triangle basics paper paperfolding pattern papiroflexia paperart

N 130 B 3.5K C 45 E Jan 28, 2018 F Jan 28, 2018
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Different view looking at the "Basics" with purple glasses on ;-))
Happy Sliders Sunday!

Tags:   marjan smeijsters purple basics papiroflexia paperart origami tessellation

N 129 B 12.5K C 50 E Jan 28, 2018 F Jan 28, 2018
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Letting the "Basics" dance ;-))

Happy Silders Sunday!

Tags:   dance marjan smeijsters papiroflexia paperart origami tessellation

N 120 B 7.3K C 29 E Jan 29, 2018 F Jan 29, 2018
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A few days ago I showed you the "Basics", not so basic, but rather complex, as some of you noticed, but I wanted to take these tessellations as a starting point for showing the alterations and create new patterns. I like complex and dense patterns... sorry....

Anyway, the fun part or the relation between these two tessellations is, that you can easily switch between the hexagons, because they have the same weaving structure. So you can change the 'big' hexagon into the 'smaller' one and visa versa. Of course the back will change then too.
And then you can play with these little and big hexagons making patterns, like "Duo 1".

I made a little tutorial of the folding process of one hexagon, so you can see what I mean.
I put the model on a equal sized green hexagon, so you see how the paper 'shrinks'.

Explanation from left to right:
First row:
1. The paper is divided in 16 grid
2. Making the first corner of the hexagon
3. Finished hexagon frontside
4. and the backside

Second row:
5. The folding continues on the backside, preparing a twisted triangle
6. done ;-)
7. all the triangles are done (backside view)
8. frontside view. You see that paper here has double layers and we have to make them 'clean ' again...

Third row:
9. by opening it up a little bit
10. make nice folds again
11. Finished frontside
12. Finished backside, you see there is a change here too

Fourth row:
13. turning the back to the frontside and push up the big the hexagon to the smaller one ( 1 triangle wide), so the model is 3D now.
14. backside view
15. making the little hexagon flat , frontside view
16. backside view

If you are interested to see more, have a look at my tessellation album Origami - Tessellation Progression".

Tags:   folding process tutorial origami paper marjan smeijsters paperfolding hexagon triangle tessellation basics duo 1 papiroflexia paperart
