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User / De Rode Olifant / Sets / Our cats ;-)
Marjan Smeijsters / 17 items

N 113 B 4.2K C 175 E Feb 4, 2015 F Feb 4, 2015
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Sissi, our cat is lying in the sun and I needed her attention so I could make this photo. She was a bite disturbed ;-)

Tags:   marjan smeijsters cat

N 235 B 80.0K C 79 E Mar 3, 2014 F Mar 17, 2015
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Believe or not but this is a macro of our cat's whiskers. Playing with the macrolens ;-)

Tags:   macro marjan smeijsters through her lens monochrome mono

N 101 B 3.3K C 109 E Apr 15, 2015 F Apr 22, 2015
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Our cat, Sissi, is enjoying the warmth of the late afternoon sun. It was so warm......., she fell asleep ;-))

Tags:   sun marjan smeijsters

N 82 B 4.5K C 41 E Aug 30, 2015 F Sep 9, 2015
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Our cat Sissi has a coat that is largely white with a few black spots. It is not easy to take a picture of her because of that whiteness, especially not when she is lying in the sun, but I like this particular shot, it gives a nice 'white world' and you have to "chercher le chat" ;-))

Tags:   chercher le chat animal cat minimal nature marjan smeijsters

N 205 B 8.2K C 56 E Aug 30, 2015 F Apr 30, 2016
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Sissi is our cat and she loves to take sunbaths!! Then everything is allright, as you can see here ;-)
Enjoy your weekend too!

Tags:   sissi marjan smeijsters cat
