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User / De Rode Olifant / Sets / Red
Marjan Smeijsters / 130 items

N 310 B 55.4K C 210 E Apr 28, 2015 F Apr 30, 2015
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Be happy and smile and have a great weekend!! ;-))

Tags:   happy marjan smeijsters ruby10 ruby15 #23ccfbt #red ruby20

N 235 B 12.7K C 75 E Aug 29, 2014 F Mar 20, 2017
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A little present especially for Janet and her team. A very happy Macro Monday Birthday!!!!
What the present is, is a secret......

Also congratulations to all the participants for all their beautiful work every Monday ;-))

A very special Happy Macro Monday to all.

Tags:   macro mondays happy 10 years marjan smeijsters macro bokeh happy

N 131 B 3.9K C 42 E Sep 11, 2016 F Jan 19, 2017
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"Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides."
Quote - Lao Tzu

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Quote – Mahatma Gandhi

Tags:   line marjan smeijsters

N 101 B 7.5K C 30 E Mar 17, 2015 F Nov 22, 2016
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β€œThe more you leave out, the more you highlight what you leave in.”
Quote ― Henry Green

The secret of folding-paper, there is a lot to be discovered yet ;-)

Tags:   secret marjan smeijsters

N 285 B 8.6K C 111 E Nov 25, 2015 F Oct 17, 2016
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For the Macro Mondays theme "Edge".

If you want, have a guess what it might be ;-)
HMM everybody!!!!

Tags:   macro mondays edge marjan smeijsters red
