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User / De Rode Olifant / Sets / Pareidolia
Marjan Smeijsters / 235 items

N 167 B 7.5K C 63 E Nov 14, 2017 F Nov 17, 2017
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The expression of this Friday face says enough, doesn't it?
It has been a rough week........

The structure of a mushroom.....

Tags:   marjan smeijsters mushroom fungi autumn nature face friday

N 39 B 6.6K C 25 E Jun 25, 2012 F Jan 6, 2014
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Looking at the origami 'Before the Big Bang' in a different angle, so it looks like an origami 'Smiley'.

A small sheet of elephant paper. This is how the paper reacts to only the circle wise folding.

Model: Origami Before the Big Bang
Design by Thoki Yenn
Diagrams in the book 'Extreme Origami' by Kunihiko Kasahara

Tags:   origami paper papiroflexia paperfold paperart art marjan smeijsters before the big bang big bang 3d thoki yenn smiley origami smiley kunihiko kasahara extreme origami diagrams origami before the big bang

N 23 B 4.2K C 5 E Jan 10, 2014 F Jan 10, 2014
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The beginning of…………

Folded this model Origami 'Before the Big Bang' by Thoki Yenn from handmade paper, started with a square 70x70 cm and then folded this 'face'.

Diagrams in the book 'Extreme Origami' by Kunihiko Kasahara

Tags:   origami paper paperfold paperart art papiroflexia marjan smeijsters thoki yenn 3d big bang before the big bang face origami face origami before the big bang kunihiko kasahara diagrams extreme origami

N 52 B 6.6K C 59 E Jan 10, 2014 F Jan 10, 2014
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I admit………….. I'm a backlight-addict ;-D

Folded this model Origami 'Before the Big Bang' by Thoki Yenn from handmade paper, started with a square 70x70 cm and then folded this 'face'.

Diagrams in the book 'Extreme Origami' by Kunihiko Kasahara

Tags:   origami paper paperfold paperart backlit art marjan smeijsters papiroflexia thoki yenn 3d before the big bang big bang origami before the big bang face origami face diagrams extreme origami kunihiko kasahara

N 11 B 2.4K C 13 E Jan 13, 2014 F Jan 13, 2014
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Which 'Big Bang Face' is your favorite?
It was pure fun, playing with photoshop!! ;-))

Tags:   origami Before the Big Bang Big Bang Thoki Yenn paper papier papierkunst papiervouwen paperfold folding vouwkunst art 3D handmade paper marjan smeijsters papiroflexia paperart
